Viewing post #429131 by crittergarden

You are viewing a single post made by crittergarden in the thread called We are neighbors!.
Jun 19, 2013 12:21 PM CST
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Since I moved to Pittsburgh in 2003, we have gone from zone 5 to 6 as well. And the soil that came with my house was clay. I've amended an area or 2 each year, having yet to do my long narrow shade bed.

THANK YOU for such detailed info, which is very pertinent to my situation. Thumbs up

I have already discovered about 1/2 of the plants you mentioned. Now, with the guidance of this article, I shall go forth and seek out the others!
SHOW ME YOUR CRITTERS! I have a critter page over at Cubits.

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