Viewing post #433927 by pdoyle23323

You are viewing a single post made by pdoyle23323 in the thread called Meyer Lemon.
Jun 25, 2013 7:25 PM CST
Name: Dawn Doyle
Chesapeake, VA Zone 7b (Zone 7b)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Wasn't sure where this one should be posted. Since I have it in a container...
My lemon tree was given to me back in April. They were moving to a condo and lucky me had room for it. It bloomed nicely and now I have 2 little lemons growing. Everyday I would go out and "stare" at it. I would watch a few ants travel up and down the stems. The reason there were ants is b/c the tree has scale. Not bad. I checked every leaf (well most) and scratched off the scales that I found. Really not many. That I could see. Last couple of weeks I've been checking it every couple of days. No ants and the leaves looked good. Well, today I checked and it and there was a freeway of ants going in two directions! so I looked really closed and found a few of the scales bi also found these white fuzzy ones. Isn't that just another type of scale. They were actually in and around the little pocket don't know correct word) that my little lemons are in. I have some Bayer Advance that I've sprayed on it and seems to help but they keep coming back. What do I do to GET RID OF THEM? This plant will come in the house for the winter and I need to get rid of these scales. HELP!! Confused Thumb of 2013-06-29/pdoyle23323/5860e6
Last edited by pdoyle23323 Jun 28, 2013 9:39 PM Icon for preview

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