Viewing post #495386 by SoCalDawg

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Oct 8, 2013 10:25 PM CST
Name: Mike
Anaheim Hills, CA (Zone 10a)
So I picked up a few bags of compost to help my clay soil. I did some investigation and settled on a place that has a pretty good reputation in the area. They make a compost out of horse manure (from hay) and wood shavings / saw dust.
So, I get it home, haul it out to the back yard and spread it out (about 3-4" thick) in one of my planting beds.
Now what??? I was told NOT to work it into the soil because it breaks down the "something-rather" and it's best to just lay it over the soil and let it "soak" into the soil below. Is it ok to water it? Will watering help break it down faster?

Just how thick should I spread it?

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it."
- Russel Baker

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