Viewing post #495767 by SoCalDawg

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Oct 9, 2013 11:59 PM CST
Name: Mike
Anaheim Hills, CA (Zone 10a)
Thanks Chelle, but what do you mean by "plant it"? I wasn't intending on putting any mulch on it though. We're up a little high on the hill here and when the Santa Ana Winds start blowing, look out! Whatever mulch I laid down would be down the street!
My plan was to just cover all the beds now and hopefully by spring it will have broken down enough to do some planting and a second round of compost. What do you think? Will it breakdown that quickly?
Thanks for the help. I'm just not that experienced.

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it."
- Russel Baker

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