Viewing post #503890 by crowrita1

You are viewing a single post made by crowrita1 in the thread called Bonemeal use when planting Irises.
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Oct 26, 2013 6:23 PM CST
Name: Arlyn
Whiteside County, Illinois (Zone 5a)
Beekeeper Region: Illinois Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Idahofam, check that label again. It's kind of tricky! The analysis is 6-9-0 ( which means that in 100 pounds of the product, there are 6 lbs. of nitrogen, 9 lbs. of phosphate, o lbs. of potash) the "7" you see ,is 7% calcium. And for bearded iris, that's a good thing, as calcium helps to raise the "ph" of the soil. That "6" of nitrogen is just about right for the iris, and in this product ,the "N" is "slow release",which is a good thing. But as Paul, and Tom said, DON'T go "overboard with the nitrogen. For example.. you add the MG bone meal, then add some , say, 5-10-10 fertilizer. This would be the same as adding 5.5-9.5-5 fertilizer. So you need to be aware of the 'total", of the amendments that you add., and , by the way, in my opinion anyway, that would be a real good "iris "mix!...Arlyn
Last edited by crowrita1 Oct 26, 2013 6:36 PM Icon for preview

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