Viewing post #546178 by Paul2032

You are viewing a single post made by Paul2032 in the thread called Keppel Catalog.
Jan 27, 2014 4:57 PM CST
Name: Paul
Utah (Zone 5b)
Grandchildren are my greatest joy.
Annuals Enjoys or suffers cold winters Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Garden Procrastinator Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Plays in the sandbox
Tender Perennials Tomato Heads The WITWIT Badge Region: Utah Vegetable Grower Hybridizer
Drop him a note at Keith Keppel, P.O. Box 18154, Salem Oregon, 97305 or E-mail him at <[email protected]>. If I were to write to him I would include a few dollars for the catalog. Nice pictures. He has listed again many of his intros that are a few years old and a lot of Blyths. My experience is that he introduces nice iris, sends nice rhizomes, and is generous with gifts/extras. Thumbs up
Paul Smith Pleasant Grove, Utah

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