Viewing post #548717 by zanelee

You are viewing a single post made by zanelee in the thread called Camellia bush (tree) trimming and health.
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Feb 1, 2014 9:21 PM CST
Texas (Zone 8a)
The non-profit I work at has 2 old camellia trees that have obviously trimmed alot. Those are very yellow-leafed and obviously need some help. Even though they are obviously older, they are about 4-5 feet in heith.
There are 3 very old trees that look like a dwarf camellia, maybe. They are all very thick-based, and growing withing 10 inches of each other. There is some dead wood in there that will need to come out, but otherwise they seem healthy. They are taller than the roof of the first floor of the house. They will need to be trimmed way down due to their location.
My question is about when do I trim them and how? And I assume the yellow leaved plants need fertilizer or something. What type and when and when will it be safe to trim them, being they are somewhat ill.
I am in Texas, zone 8, I believe.
Thanks ya'll!
(PS- I cross posted this in another forum here too)

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