Viewing post #607980 by Oberon46

You are viewing a single post made by Oberon46 in the thread called I am encouraged to fill in a very shady spot.
May 7, 2014 7:54 AM CST
Name: Mary Stella
Chester, VA (Zone 7b)
Dahlias Canning and food preservation Lilies Peonies Permaculture Ponds
Garden Ideas: Level 2
I have a spot that is in full shade til early afternoon by mid summer. It is also rather damp. I grow bleeding heart and rhubarb there but moved the rhubarb out to sunnier locations. I am encouraged to try ferns toward the front and mid bleeding hearts and perhaps hosta and astilbe in the front. Finding flowers who will tolerate cool shady mornings but fairly warm sunny afternoons is a bit of a challenge. Leopards' Bane does well across the grassy walk as do blue poppies, Solomon's Seal, Heuchera. Any other suggestions.
From -60 Alaska to +100 Virginia. Wahoo

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