Viewing post #690663 by chelle

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Aug 30, 2014 6:16 PM CST
Name: Michele Roth
N.E. Indiana - Zone 5b, and F (Zone 9b)
I'm always on my way out the door..
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Garden Sages Garden Ideas: Master Level Dog Lover Cottage Gardener
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I think that's actually perfect, Lyn. We learned the exact same thing here.

One of the only exceptions I've found is with raised hugelkultur beds. In those beds the bottom of the root ball can sit at or about log level and be just fine. The same principal applies, and the logs will break down so slowly that any settling that occurs will be at a rate for which the plants can easily compensate. These are just my thoughts on the matter; my hugel beds are still fairly new, but all are doing enormously well. Smiling I'm actually having rather astounding success now with plants I've tried many times to grow in the past, but which ultimately failed.
Cottage Gardening

Newest Interest: Rock Gardens

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