Viewing post #77700 by rtl850nomore

You are viewing a single post made by rtl850nomore in the thread called Do Worms Hibernate?.
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Dec 20, 2010 6:46 PM CST
Name: Jayne
Glendale/Parks Az
Charter ATP Member Permaculture Vegetable Grower
Vermicomposting video

ropegro keep an eye on the Permaculture Guild for vermicomposting classes. They cover how to do the bins outside.
Also watch for tours of the Bee Oasis in Mesa. The Bee Oasis is the house with the outside worm bins.

Alan, dried molasses is an organic strategy for feeding microbes. Microbes increase the health of the soil and worms consume microbes. Worms don't actually eat the burried food rather the microbes that break down the burried food. Yes, I use dried molasses in my soil...just a little desert for my microbes...sweetens them up for my worms.

Thumb of 2010-12-21/rtl850nomore/006dc5
Check out the romaine lettuce the worms helped me produce. I am fixin to go out and pick some of that for dinner tonight.
The reason most people fail instead of succeed is because they give up what they want most for what they want at the moment.

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