Viewing post #835701 by glengarry23

You are viewing a single post made by glengarry23 in the thread called Farmers Market.
Apr 22, 2015 5:42 PM CST
Name: Philip
Ireland,.The Midlands. (Zone 8a)
Amaryllis Roses Lilies Hostas Dog Lover Dahlias
Cottage Gardener Clematis Cat Lover Garden Photography Cactus and Succulents Seed Starter
Talk about being busy as a bee lol,..gosh you have a lot going along down on the farm plus watching grandchildren three days a week.

By coincidence we are on about bees and my friends in Ohio are in the process of introducing new queens.

Anyway, I have had bees for a long time, I got my three packages installed yesterday and today I popped their corks out of the queen cage and stuffed the holes with marshmallows, so they can release her within a few days, but not destroy her because they don't readily accept a new queen. They need to get used to her for about a week before they "allow" her to be their queen. So, if they kill her before she lays even one egg I will be out about 100.00 for the bees. They need a queen in there or they will all leave or die off trying to keep the "hive" in order, but not having any success at that. and a queenless hive is nasty! The bees are aggressive and mean.

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