Viewing post #836042 by LysmachiaMoon

You are viewing a single post made by LysmachiaMoon in the thread called Containers.
Apr 23, 2015 7:17 AM CST
Name: Annie
Waynesboro, PA (Zone 6a)
Cat Lover Region: Pennsylvania Keeper of Poultry
Looks like one we used to have: Leo. (He started out as "Cleo" until the vet told us he was a him, not a her. Leo was wild from the start and at about 8 months of age, disappeared. We feared the worst. Months passed, then almost a YEAR LATER, I went to feed the hens and there was this big strapping tom in the hay...Leo. He lived with us for many years.
I am not "country" I am "landed gentry."

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