Viewing post #855699 by crowrita1

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May 17, 2015 3:53 PM CST
Name: Arlyn
Whiteside County, Illinois (Zone 5a)
Beekeeper Region: Illinois Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015
irisarian said:Jungle Shadows is a BB so is shorter.

Yes, they are SUPPOSED to be shorter, anyway ! This year, "class seems to mean very little! I've had SDB's taller than IB's, and BB's taller than TB's. I measured "Batik" this morning (another BB) and it was 32"...Jungle Shadows is 'right there with it" (if I wasn't so lazy, I'd run out and actually measure it *Blush* )......anyway, this year has been a "goofy one", all the way around. Shrug!

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