Viewing post #959254 by skylark

You are viewing a single post made by skylark in the thread called Colocasia esculenta cultivar ID.
Sep 26, 2015 7:59 PM CST
JC NJ/So FL (Zone 7b)
Amaryllis Hydroponics Houseplants Region: Florida Container Gardener Garden Photography
Bromeliad Aroids Tropicals Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier
oh, good to know!
i have xferred all 3 into perlite + AV soil mix pots after 5-7 days and i already can see roots emerging on the outside on all! Hurray!
they are in see-thru bottle cut-offs. and i have 2 young leaves! that emerged on 2 biggest cuttings. so after roughly 10 days! i wonder if i'll be able to keep up!?

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