1AnjL's profile

1AnjL's infobox
On 7/7/2018 I sold off most of what I owned and downsized my home to 200 sq foot travel trailer living on 14 acres of land. I am in the process of upgrading my home from a travel trailer to a shed to home conversion. I am also in the process of becoming self sustaining in as many areas as I can on our homestead

Thumb of 2019-03-29/1AnjL/72efb6

1AnjL's badges:
Charter ATP Member I helped plan and beta test the plant database. Miniature Gardening Bulbs Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Garden Ideas: Level 2 Region: Pacific Northwest Irises Hostas Garden Art Region: California Enjoys or suffers cold winters

Some info about 1AnjL:
  • Joined on February 10, 2010
  • Name: AnjL/Annmarie Leslie
  • Location: Olympic Penninsula, WA
  • USDA Zone: 8a
  • Interests: Gardening, tiny home living, homesteading
  • Birthday: March 9
  • Thumbs-ups: 180 received, 84 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 1 received, 1 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 1
  • Member Ideas by 1AnjL:
    Easier Planting for Shrubs
    Explaining Indoor Lighting
    A Sun Tip
    Old Mailbox for Tool Storage







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