BlueOddish's profile

BlueOddish's infobox
Brazilian-American college student and amateur botanist from Utah.
Extreme plantaholic.
I'm against having huge, unused, thirsty lawns in the desert.
My favorite kinds of plants include: Cold Hardy Cacti and other Succulents, Native Plants, Desert Plants, Rare Plants, Yucca, Agave, Hesperaloë, Sempervivum, Cold Hardy Mesembs, Hydrangeaceae, and Lardizabalaceae.

Thumb of 2020-11-22/BlueOddish/5e9410

BlueOddish's badges:
Plants Admin
Cactus and Succulents Region: Utah Native Plants and Wildflowers Region: Southwest Gardening Xeriscape Dog Lover Garden Photography Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Sempervivums Bookworm Enjoys or suffers hot summers Sedums Hybridizer Japanese Maples Wild Plant Hunter Herbs Enjoys or suffers cold winters Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Seed Starter Hydrangeas Hummingbirder Garden Procrastinator Foliage Fan Orchids Heirlooms Ferns Echinacea Heucheras Tender Perennials Tropicals

Some info about BlueOddish:
  • Joined on May 9, 2018
  • Name: Ângelo
  • Location: South Jordan, Utah, USA
  • USDA Zone: 7a
  • Interests: Interests Include: Botany, Horticulture, Social Issues, Hip-hop, R&B, Current Events, Ethnobotany, Pokémon, Geography. Hobbies Include: Gardening, Hiking, Going on Walks, Botanizing, Reading, Photography, Video Games.
  • Birthday: Jun 26
  • Thumbs-ups: 39,348 received, 67,671 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 338 received, 203 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 4
  • BlueOddish's active areas of the database
  • Sempervivum (829 contributions.)
  • Prickly Pears (216 contributions.)
  • Echeverias (138 contributions.)
  • Spruces (136 contributions.)
  • Hydrangeas (128 contributions.)
  • Penstemons (125 contributions.)
  • Violas (124 contributions.)
  • Sedums (108 contributions.)
  • Agaves (87 contributions.)
  • Barberries (82 contributions.)
  • BlueOddish's Plant List
    There are 1,790 plants in BlueOddish's plant list.
    Araceae: 1 plant
    Às Plantas da Sheila e da Vovó: 19 plants
    Acoraceae: 2 plants
    Actinidiaceae: 1 plant
    Adoxaceae: 7 plants
    Aizoaceae: 72 plants
    Amaranthaceae: 8 plants
    Amaryllidaceae: 10 plants
    Anacampserotaceae: 2 plants
    Anacardiaceae: 1 plant
    Apiaceae: 5 plants
    Apocynaceae: 12 plants
    Aquifoliaceae: 2 plants
    Araliaceae: 7 plants
    Araucariaceae: 2 plants
    Arecaceae: 3 plants
    Asparagaceae: 120 plants
    Asphodelaceae: 14 plants
    Asteraceae: 102 plants
    Athyriaceae: 1 plant
    Begoniaceae: 4 plants
    Berberidaceae: 14 plants
    Betulaceae: 2 plants
    Bignoniaceae: 1 plant
    Boraginaceae: 1 plant
    Brassicaceae: 14 plants
    Buddlejaceae: 5 plants
    Buxaceae: 1 plant
    Cactaceae: 123 plants
    Calceolariaceae: 1 plant
    Campanulaceae: 5 plants
    Cannabaceae: 2 plants
    Caprifoliaceae: 15 plants
    Caryophyllaceae: 20 plants
    Celastraceae: 12 plants
    Cistaceae: 3 plants
    Commelinaceae: 1 plant
    Cornaceae: 8 plants
    Crassulaceae: 541 plants
    Cucurbitaceae: 3 plants
    Cupressaceae: 23 plants
    Cycadaceae: 1 plant
    Cyperaceae: 6 plants
    Davalliaceae: 1 plant
    Dioscoreaceae: 1 plant
    Dryopteridaceae: 2 plants
    Elaeagnaceae: 1 plant
    Ephedraceae: 4 plants
    Ericaceae: 25 plants
    Euphorbiaceae: 4 plants
    Fabaceae: 11 plants
    Fagaceae: 3 plants
    Garryaceae: 2 plants
    Geraniaceae: 5 plants
    Ginkgoaceae: 1 plant
    Grossulariaceae: 1 plant
    Hydrangeaceae: 38 plants
    Hypericaceae: 4 plants
    Iridaceae: 12 plants
    Lamiaceae: 103 plants
    Lardizabalaceae: 12 plants
    Liliaceae: 21 plants
    Lythraceae: 4 plants
    Magnoliaceae: 2 plants
    Malvaceae: 5 plants
    Montiaceae: 12 plants
    Moraceae: 4 plants
    Musaceae: 1 plant
    Myricaceae: 1 plant
    Myrtaceae: 1 plant
    Oleaceae: 6 plants
    Onagraceae: 30 plants
    Onocleaceae: 1 plant
    Orchidaceae: 2 plants
    Oxalidaceae: 3 plants
    Paeoniaceae: 1 plant
    Papaveraceae: 11 plants
    Passifloraceae: 3 plants
    Pinaceae: 8 plants
    Plantaginaceae: 44 plants
    Plumbaginaceae: 6 plants
    Poaceae: 21 plants
    Polemoniaceae: 10 plants
    Polygonaceae: 15 plants
    Primulaceae: 9 plants
    Ranunculaceae: 21 plants
    Rhamnaceae: 3 plants
    Rosaceae: 39 plants
    Rubiaceae: 5 plants
    Rutaceae: 1 plant
    Salicaceae: 7 plants
    Sapindaceae: 11 plants
    Saxifragaceae: 30 plants
    Sciadopityaceae: 1 plant
    Scrophulariaceae: 1 plant
    Selaginellaceae: 2 plants
    Simaroubaceae: 1 plant
    Smilacaceae: 2 plants
    Solanaceae: 19 plants
    Taxaceae: 2 plants
    Theaceae: 1 plant
    Thelypteridaceae: 1 plant
    Ulmaceae: 1 plant
    Verbenaceae: 5 plants
    Violaceae: 3 plants
    Vitaceae: 4 plants







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