Chantell's profile

Chantell's infobox
Blessed to have reconnected with my plant family here on NGA!!!
My plant passion is - the fragrant get the idea! My other passions? Rottweilers (BSL is a NO-NO), Photography...oh and my grandbabies, of course...have a seat happy to talk your ears off ~ just ask anyone!"

Thumb of 2021-07-27/Chantell/4ee759

Chantell's badges:
Charter ATP Member Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Organic Gardener Garden Photography Bee Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Hummingbirder Butterflies Tropicals Herbs Dog Lover Moon Gardener Region: Virginia Region: United States of America Cottage Gardener The WITWIT Badge

Some info about Chantell:
  • Joined on February 3, 2010
  • Name: Chantell
  • Location: Middle of Virginia
  • USDA Zone: 7a
  • Interests: Grandchildren - Photography - Rotties - Fragrant plants
  • Birthday: October 1
  • Thumbs-ups: 1,383 received, 1,535 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 17 received, 26 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 35
  • Chantell's active areas of the database
  • Gardenias (17 contributions.)
  • Roses (11 contributions.)
  • Chantell's Plant List
    There are 92 plants in Chantell's plant list.
    Ostentatious Orchids: 5 plants
    Picturesque Plumies: 7 plants
    Right Side Yard - Pretties: 8 plants
    Left Side Yard - beauties: 8 plants
    Bougie Brugs: 10 plants
    Treasured Tropicals/Tenders: 5 plants
    Glorious Gardenias: 11 plants
    Joyous Jasmines: 4 plants
    Backyard Brawl: 5 plants
    Front Yard Fickleness: 21 plants
    Ravishing Roses: 10 plants

    Chantell recommends
    Accents for Home and Garden (Pepper's Greenhouse)
    Almost Eden







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