Hamilton Square Garden is (was 1997-2018) an all volunteer garden within the Sacramento Historic City Cemetery sponsored by the Sacramento Perennial Plant Club as a civics project with the caveat that it would provide educational opportunities through "Whats Blooming" tours. The cemetery is of the gold rush era with a victorian garden design fashionable at the time. One objective of the Old City Cemetery Committee was to restore it to it's former beauty by forming a committee of volunteers in partnership with the city to undo the years of neglect and vandalism. Several groups have planted major gardens and many citizens have adopted plots to care for. There are also opportunities to educate the public with tours diverse in topic appealing to a broad range of interests that encourage visitors to return often. The gardens offer their own tours about the plants that enhance the cemetery and provide a life filled habitat in our bustling Capitol city of California, Sacramento. The majority of funding for the restoration, beautification and preservation of this outdoor, California history museum that is the Old City Cemetery comes through fund raising events and donations. My contributions to NGA have, for the most part, been of the plants we've been growing in the cemetery.. I resigned as manager at Hamilton Square Garden May 8, 2016 without a successor.