MikeD's profile

MikeD's infobox
My life and work all center around history. Professionally, I work to preserve rare, heirloom, and threatened plant varieties with an emphasis on edible plants.

My personal goal here at All Things Plants is to share knowledge and help to promote gardening, seed saving, and personal food production using heritage or heirloom varieties.

As a database moderator, my goal is to present accurate information based on firsthand observation as well as verifiable source documentation. I do not rely on undocumented, unreferenced, sourceless "histories." The plant and seed sales industry is historically notorious for simply copying and regurgitating the same tired, worn out and in some cases, fabricated stories.

When I am researching the history and pedigree of a plant variety, I refer to the historical record, preferably firsthand, contemporary sources.

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MikeD's badges:
Plant Database Moderator Tomato Heads Farmer Organic Gardener Composter Heirlooms Seed Starter Vegetable Grower Herbs Seller of Garden Stuff Vermiculture Region: Pacific Northwest Garden Photography Canning and food preservation Houseplants Container Gardener Bee Lover Region: Oregon Region: United States of America

Some info about MikeD:
  • Joined on December 9, 2011
  • Name: Mike Dunton
  • Location: Liberal, Oregon
  • USDA Zone: 8b
  • Interests: edible plant variety preservation, historical horticulture, old seed catalogs, gardening, seed saving, history, family, genealogy
  • Thumbs-ups: 481 received, 174 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 9 received, 12 given.
  • MikeD's active areas of the database
  • Tomatoes (632 contributions.)
  • Corn (72 contributions.)
  • Nicotianas (68 contributions.)
  • Brassicas (34 contributions.)
  • Southern Peas (31 contributions.)
  • Beans (26 contributions.)
  • Beets (14 contributions.)
  • MikeD's Plant List
    There are 512 plants in MikeD's plant list.

    MikeD recommends
    Epic Tomatoes: How To Select & Grow the Best Varieties of All Time
    New Hope Seed Company







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