QHBarbie's profile

Thumb of 2016-08-26/QHBarbie/ed1f81

QHBarbie's badges:
Amaryllis Cat Lover Daylilies Dog Lover Region: Florida Garden Art Irises Vegetable Grower Keeps Horses

Some info about QHBarbie:
  • Joined on July 29, 2016
  • Name: Barbie
  • Location: Northwest Florida
  • USDA Zone: 8b
  • Interests: vegetable gardening, irises, daylilies, artwork (graphic & watercolors), horses, basset hounds, cats, cooking, fishing, yard work, llamas
  • Thumbs-ups: 946 received, 355 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 16 received, 1 given.
  • QHBarbie's active areas of the database
  • Daylilies (100 contributions.)
  • Irises (69 contributions.)
  • QHBarbie's Plant List
    There are 674 plants in QHBarbie's plant list.
    Tall Bearded Iris: 270 plants
    African Violet: 2 plants
    Daylily: 364 plants
    Amarylis: 5 plants