TBManOR's profile

TBManOR's infobox
I've been growing iris for 50+ years and enjoy sharing both plants, experiences and knowledge with fellow iris lovers. I've many other interests as well, hiking, day trips, photography, computer art, music, etc.
Open to trading in 2022, just send me a tree mail and lets talk. Respectful, knowledgeable, but humble and polite iris lovers are welcome to chat with me. I've lots of newer TB cultivars to trade with my iris friends, both on this forum, and across the country.
I enjoy exchanging conversational iris pleasantries.

Thumb of 2020-02-24/TBManOR/cef90a

Some info about TBManOR:
  • Joined on January 29, 2020
  • Name: Timothy
  • Location: NE Oregon
  • USDA Zone: 7b
  • Interests: many and varied
  • Thumbs-ups: 1,859 received, 484 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 31 received, 15 given.
  • TBManOR's active areas of the database
  • Irises (51 contributions.)
  • TBManOR's Plant List
    There are 580 plants in TBManOR's plant list.







    Today's site banner is by KGFerg and is called "Physocarpus opulifolius 'Luteus'"

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