WebTucker's profile

WebTucker's infobox
YouTube @ https://m.youtube.com/channel/...
YouTube channel @ https://www.youtube.com/@twtuc...
Bachelor of Science (class of 1984) Marine biology at UNC Wilmington and science teacher for 20 years in North Carolina.
Note on abbreviations of resources used:
Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
By Asa Gray
A Field Guide to Wildflowers of the Sandhills Region: North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
By Bruce A. Sorrie
Manual of Cultivated Plants Most Commonly Grown in the Continental United States and Canada
By Liberty Hyde Bailey
Standard Cyclopedia of horticulture
By Liberty Hyde Bailey
Missouri botanical garden website
Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas
By Albert E. Radford, C. Ritchie Bell, Harry E. Ahles
North Carolina Parks website

Thumb of 2022-09-09/WebTucker/021e1a

WebTucker's badges:
Aquarium Plants Region: New Zealand Region: North Carolina Cat Lover Wild Plant Hunter Beavers Bird Bath, Fountain and Waterfall Birds Bookworm Butterflies Critters Allowed Dragonflies Enjoys or suffers hot summers Frogs and Toads Garden Photography Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Native Plants and Wildflowers Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Ponds Snakes Spiders! Vegetable Grower Region: Delaware Region: Pennsylvania Region: New Jersey Region: Georgia Region: Connecticut Region: Massachusetts Region: Maryland Region: South Carolina Region: New Hampshire Region: Virginia Region: New York Region: Vermont Region: Kentucky Region: Tennessee Region: Ohio Region: Louisiana Region: Indiana Region: Mississippi Region: Illinois Region: Alabama Region: Missouri Region: Arkansas Region: Michigan Region: Florida Region: Texas Region: Iowa Region: Wisconsin Region: California Region: Minnesota Region: Oregon Region: Kansas Region: West Virginia Region: Nebraska Region: Colorado Region: South Dakota Region: Montana Region: Idaho Region: New Mexico Region: Arizona Region: Oklahoma Region: Hawaii Region: Utah Region: Puerto Rico Region: Gulf Coast Region: Northeast US Region: Mid-Atlantic Region: Pacific Northwest Region: Southwest Gardening Region: United States of America Region: Australia Region: Belgium Region: Canadian Region: Europe Region: Ukraine Region: United Kingdom Region: Wales Multi-Region Gardener Adeniums Amaryllis Apples Aroids Azaleas Bluebonnets Bromeliad Brugmansias Cactus and Succulents Clematis Dahlias Daylilies Echinacea Hellebores Heucheras Hibiscus Hostas Hydrangeas Irises Japanese Maples Lilies Morning Glories Orchids Peonies Peppers Plumerias Purslane Roses Salvias Sedums Sempervivums Zinnias Annuals Bulbs Container Gardener Cottage Gardener Cut Flowers Ferns Fruit Growers Herbs Houseplants Tender Perennials Tomato Heads Tropicals Aquaponics Bee Lover Beekeeper Canning and food preservation Composter Deer Dog Lover Enjoys or suffers cold winters Frugal Gardener Gardens in Buckets Garden Art Farmer Foliage Fan Garden Procrastinator Greenhouse Growing under artificial light Hummingbirder Hybridizer Keeper of Poultry Heirlooms Hydroponics Keeps Goats Keeps Horses Keeper of Koi Keeps Sheep Miniature Gardening Moon Gardener Mules Organic Gardener Permaculture Plant and/or Seed Trader Plays in the sandbox Pollen collector Rabbit Keeper Raises cows Seed Starter Solar Power The WITWIT Badge Vermiculture Winter Sowing Xeriscape

Some info about WebTucker:
  • Joined on September 7, 2021
  • Name: Web
  • Location: Aberdeen, NC, Elev 344 ft
  • USDA Zone: 8a
  • Interests: Botany💐🌸💮🌲🌳🌴🌺Photography. 📷📸📷Biking🚲🚲🚲Reading📘📙📕📔 and Now! Gardening🌺🌻🌼🌹🏵💮🌸💐
  • Thumbs-ups: 17,480 received, 10,469 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 247 received, 834 given.
  • WebTucker's active areas of the database
  • Asters (49 contributions.)
  • Ilex (31 contributions.)
  • Salvias (28 contributions.)
  • Oenotheras (23 contributions.)
  • Violas (22 contributions.)
  • Magnolias (22 contributions.)
  • Eupatoriums (21 contributions.)
  • Goldenrods (19 contributions.)
  • Euphorbias (17 contributions.)
  • Irises (16 contributions.)
  • WebTucker's Blog
    WebTucker's blog was last updated on Mar 5, 2024 3:37 PM.

    Click here to read it.

    WebTucker's Plant List
    There are 849 plants in WebTucker's plant list.
    Alstroemeriaceae: 2 plants
    Natives, naturalized or escapes: 484 plants
    Non native/cultivars: 354 plants
    Rare, threatened or endangered: 8 plants
    Vintage: 6 plants
    Aberdeen Feed and Seed: 5 plants
    Aberdeen Lake Park on Page's lake: 149 plants
    B. Everett Jordan Dam and area: 8 plants
    Boyd House garden: 84 plants
    Broad Acre Lake Hoffman, NC: 5 plants
    House in the Horseshoe historic site: 9 plants
    MacArthur Lake Ft. Liberty Reservation: 19 plants
    McKinney fish hatchery and area around Hoffman, NC: 17 plants
    North Carolina Botanical Gardens: 23 plants
    Pinehurst arboretum/Wicker park area: 8 plants
    Reservoir Park and area: 4 plants
    Sandhills Horticultural Gardens: 79 plants
    San-Lee park Sanford, NC: 5 plants
    Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve (Main): 1 plant
    Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve (Paint Hill): 1 plant
    White Pine Nature Preserve: 4 plants
    Flower Gardens at home: 33 plants
    Fruit garden: 2 plants
    House plants: 20 plants
    Seeds collected: 14 plants
    Trees: 122 plants
    Vegetable gardening: 13 plants
    Acanthaceae: 5 plants
    Aceraceae: 1 plant
    Adoxaceae: 4 plants
    Agavaceae: 6 plants
    Aizoaceae: 1 plant
    Alismataceae: 3 plants
    Amaranthaceae: 6 plants
    Amaryllidaceae/Alliaceae: 18 plants
    Anacardiaceae: 6 plants
    Apiaceae/Umbelliferae: 8 plants
    Apocynaceae: 10 plants
    Aquifoliaceae: 11 plants
    Araceae: 14 plants
    Araliaceae: 5 plants
    Aristolochiaceae: 2 plants
    Asparagaceae: 2 plants
    Aspleniaceae: 1 plant
    Asteraceae: 106 plants
    Athyriaceae/Polypodiaceae: 3 plants
    Balsaminaceae: 1 plant
    Begoniaceae: 2 plants
    Berberidaceae: 4 plants
    Betulaceae: 4 plants
    Bignoniaceae: 4 plants
    Blechnaceae: 2 plants
    Boraginaceae: 4 plants
    Brassicaceae/Cruciferae: 10 plants
    Bromeliadaceae: 2 plants
    Buxaceae: 2 plants
    Cactaceae: 3 plants
    Calycanthaceae: 1 plant
    Campanulaceae: 4 plants
    Cannaceae: 3 plants
    Capparidaceae: 1 plant
    Caprifoliaceae: 6 plants
    Caryophyllaceae: 7 plants
    Celestraceae: 4 plants
    Cercidiphyllaceae: 1 plant
    Chenopodiaceae: 3 plants
    Cistaceae: 1 plant
    Cleomeaceae: 1 plant
    Clethraceae: 1 plant
    Commelinaceae: 4 plants
    Convolvulaceae: 8 plants
    Cornaceae: 4 plants
    Crassulaceae: 7 plants
    Cucurbitaceae: 2 plants
    Cupressaceae: 7 plants
    Cyperaceae: 5 plants
    Cyrillaceae: 1 plant
    Dennstaedtiaceae/Pteridaceae: 1 plant
    Diapensiaceae: 1 plant
    Droseraceae: 3 plants
    Dryopteridaceae/Aspidiaceae: 2 plants
    Ebenaceae: 1 plant
    Eleagnaceae: 2 plants
    Equisetaceae: 1 plant
    Ericaceae: 16 plants
    Eriocaulaceae: 1 plant
    Euphorbiaceae: 10 plants
    Fabaceae: 41 plants
    Fagaceae: 16 plants
    Geraniaceae: 1 plant
    Gingkoaceae: 1 plant
    Haloragaceae: 1 plant
    Hamamelidaceae: 4 plants
    Hippocastanaceae: 1 plant
    Hyacinthaceae: 1 plant
    Hydrangaceae: 2 plants
    Hydrocharitaceae: 2 plants
    Hypericaceae: 7 plants
    Iridaceae: 9 plants
    Juglandaceae: 2 plants
    Juncaceae: 2 plants
    Lamiaceae/Labatiae: 41 plants
    Lauraceae: 3 plants
    Lentibulariaceae: 4 plants
    Liliaceae: 21 plants
    Linaceae: 1 plant
    Loganiaceae/Gelsimaceae: 3 plants
    Lycopodiaceae: 1 plant
    Lythraceae: 4 plants
    Magnoliacae: 7 plants
    Malvaceae: 10 plants
    Melanthiaceae: 1 plant
    Melastomataceae: 4 plants
    Meliaceae: 1 plant
    Moraceae: 6 plants
    Musaceae: 1 plant
    Myrtaceae: 1 plant
    Nelumbonaceae: 1 plant
    Nyctaginaceae: 2 plants
    Nymphaeaceae: 6 plants
    Nyssaceae: 2 plants
    Oleaceae: 8 plants
    Onagraceae: 10 plants
    Orchidaceae: 6 plants
    Orobanchaceae: 4 plants
    Osmundaceae: 2 plants
    Oxalidaceae: 3 plants
    Palmaceae: 2 plants
    Papaveraceae: 3 plants
    Passifloraceae: 1 plant
    Paulowniaceae: 1 plant
    Phytolaccaceae: 1 plant
    Pinaceae: 9 plants
    Piperaceae: 1 plant
    Pittosporaceae: 1 plant
    Plantaginaceae: 11 plants
    Platanaceae: 1 plant
    Plumbaginaceae: 1 plant
    Poaceae/Graminea: 20 plants
    Polemoniaceae: 1 plant
    Polygalaceae: 1 plant
    Polygonaceae: 12 plants
    Polypodiaceae: 3 plants
    Pontederiaceae: 2 plants
    Portulacaceae: 1 plant
    Primulaceae: 4 plants
    Ranunculaceae: 14 plants
    Rosaceae: 43 plants
    Rubiaceae: 16 plants
    Saliaceae: 5 plants
    Sapindaceae: 6 plants
    Sarraceniaceae: 4 plants
    Saururaceae: 1 plant
    Saxifragaceae: 7 plants
    Scrophulariaceae: 10 plants
    Simaroubaceae: 1 plant
    Solanaceae: 11 plants
    Sphagnaceae: 1 plant
    Strelitziaceae: 1 plant
    Styracaceae: 1 plant
    Symplocaceae: 1 plant
    Taxaceae: 1 plant
    Taxodiaceae: 2 plants
    Tetrachondraceae: 1 plant
    Theaceae: 3 plants
    Thymelaceae: 1 plant
    Tiliaceae: 1 plant
    Tropolaeceae: 1 plant
    Typhaceae: 2 plants
    Ulmaceae: 4 plants
    Urticaceae: 1 plant
    Valerianaceae: 1 plant
    Verbenaceae: 10 plants
    Violaceae: 7 plants
    Virburnaceae: 1 plant
    Viscaceae: 1 plant
    Vitaceae: 5 plants
    Zingiberaceae: 3 plants







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