WillC's profile

WillC's infobox
I have over 40 years of professional experience caring for indoor plants in homes and offices. I have a published book on caring for indoor plants titled, "Don't Repot That Plant and Other Indoor Plant Care Mistakes." If you have a struggling plant that you recently repotted or a pest problem that needs treating or need help diagnosing an indoor plant problem, I can help. I do virtual plant consultations via FaceTime and Zoom. You can contact me privately/directly at [email protected] or 917-887-8601.

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Some info about WillC:
  • Joined on July 6, 2014
  • Name: Will Creed
  • Location: NYC
  • Interests: Theater, films, social justice, reading
  • Thumbs-ups: 7,657 received, 1,379 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 129 received, 40 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 41
  • WillC's Blog
    WillC's blog was last updated on May 15, 2021 7:26 AM.

    Click here to read it.

    WillC's Plant List
    There are 4 plants in WillC's plant list.
    Indoor plants: 4 plants

    WillC recommends
    Don't Repot That Plant!