chelle's profile

chelle's infobox
I'm a mother, hobby farmer, organic gardener, animal trainer, writer, student, photographer, etc., etc...a Jill-of-all-trades, you know? ;-0

Thumb of 2016-10-20/chelle/c55913

chelle's badges:
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Garden Sages Garden Ideas: Master Level Dog Lover Cottage Gardener Native Plants and Wildflowers Plant Identifier Organic Gardener Keeps Horses Hummingbirder Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle I helped beta test the first seed swap Composter Bee Lover I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar Canning and food preservation Seed Starter Region: United States of America Enjoys or suffers hot summers Vegetable Grower Butterflies Birds Roses Herbs Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Cat Lover Winter Sowing

Forums chelle moderates:

Some info about chelle:
  • Joined on February 5, 2010
  • Name: Michele Roth
  • Location: N.E. Indiana - Zone 5b, and Florida - Zone 9b
  • USDA Zone: 9b
  • Interests: Plants & gardening ~ Photography & art
  • Birthday: Jun 16
  • Thumbs-ups: 8,539 received, 7,594 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 209 received, 400 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 210
  • chelle's active areas of the database
  • Roses (267 contributions.)
  • Clematis (70 contributions.)
  • Tulips (66 contributions.)
  • Lilies (62 contributions.)
  • Daffodils (55 contributions.)
  • Daylilies (48 contributions.)
  • Salvias (45 contributions.)
  • Phloxes (38 contributions.)
  • Irises (38 contributions.)
  • Poppies (37 contributions.)
  • chelle's Blog
    chelle's blog was last updated on Dec 7, 2021 11:15 PM.

    Click here to read it.

    chelle's Plant List
    There are 1,966 plants in chelle's plant list.
    Seeds Sown 2015: 113 plants
    Seeds started - 2014: 82 plants
    Misremembered Plants: 25 plants
    Wintersown seeds - 2014: 212 plants
    Annuals and Tender Perennials: 483 plants
    Biennials: 31 plants
    Bulbs, corms and tubers (hardy to marginally hardy varieties): 179 plants
    Bulbs, corms and tubers (non-hardy varieties): 35 plants
    Edibles (grown as annuals): 161 plants
    Hardy succulents: 17 plants
    Herbacious perennials: 719 plants
    Houseplants and Tropicals: 23 plants
    Procured seeds: 821 plants
    Roses: 57 plants
    Saved Seed ~ collected 2013: 10 plants
    Saved Seed ~ collected 2012: 24 plants
    Saved Seed ~ collected before 2012: 31 plants
    Shrubs and subshrubs: 63 plants
    Trade Plants Rec'd (ATP): 21 plants
    Trees: 37 plants
    Vines: 47 plants
    Water, Lakeside and Bog plants: 24 plants
    Wildflowers: 33 plants
    Part-sun Container Combos: 24 plants

    chelle recommends
    Crosman Seed Corporation
    Crownsville Nursery
    Napa Country Iris Garden (CLOSED-Retired)
    Santa Rosa Gardens
    Sequim Rare Plants

    Member Ideas by chelle:
    Winter Assessments as Snow Recedes
    Winter Interest in the Snowbelt
    Tool for the Tiniest
    Winter Planting Roses
    Winter Sowing Annuals
    Cold Season Crops? Yes, You Can!
    Manage Difficult Perennial Planting Sites with the Use of Planting Pockets
    Trash Can Planter
    Repurposing Material for Easier Vine Care
    Hip, Hip, Hooray for Hipped Roses!
    Clear Tubs for Early Seedlings
    Ring Binders for Seed Packet Organization
    Tulle in the Garden
    Hardening Off Seedlings
    A Quick Seed Viability Test
    Cheap and Easy Weeding Tool

    Site Banners by chelle:
    "Hosta" on June 23, 2015
    "Snowbelt Winter " on February 13, 2015
    "Stadium Queen Mum" on September 30, 2014
    "Seed Pods" on April 15, 2014
    "A Bee and a Blanket" on March 28, 2014
    "Mixed Seedlings" on January 10, 2014
    "Frost and Seedpods" on December 31, 2013
    "'Blue Prince' Holly" on December 20, 2013
    "Abraham Darby Rose" on November 4, 2013
    "Red Fountain" on September 6, 2013
    "Red Fountain" on July 29, 2013
    "Pine "Candles"" on May 25, 2013
    "Wine Cups" on May 17, 2013
    "Armide Rose" on April 5, 2013
    "Daffodils" on March 3, 2013
    "Frosty Finery" on February 26, 2013
    "Roses In Snow" on February 12, 2013
    "Summer Storm" on December 25, 2012
    "Helenium 'Double Trouble'" on December 23, 2012
    "Hydrangea" on December 14, 2012
    "Mountain Ash Berries" on November 5, 2012
    "Sunny Surprise" on November 1, 2012
    "Lobelia" on September 29, 2012
    "Cheddar Pink (Dianth" on August 19, 2012
    "Ornamental Onion (Al" on August 15, 2012
    "Creeping Phlox" on August 9, 2012
    "Land O' Lakes Glad" on August 6, 2012
    "Begonia (Begonia bol" on July 13, 2012
    "Pansy 'Frizzle Sizzl" on July 10, 2012
    "Cool Summer Shades" on July 9, 2012
    "Container Color" on July 6, 2012
    "Betony (Stachys offi" on July 2, 2012
    "Buds of Bluebells" on June 22, 2012
    "Double Impatiens (Im" on June 20, 2012
    "Variegated Foliage" on June 16, 2012
    "Seedlings " on June 9, 2012
    "Ninebark 'Summer Wi" on June 3, 2012
    "Wisteria" on May 29, 2012
    "Hosta" on May 22, 2012
    "Clematis 'Omoshiro'" on May 14, 2012
    "Heuchera" on May 10, 2012
    "Primrose " on May 6, 2012
    "Lilac 'Miss Kim'" on April 25, 2012
    "Marsh Marigolds" on April 18, 2012







    Today's site banner is by dirtdorphins and is called "Addie Branch Smith"

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