cocoajuno's profile

cocoajuno's infobox
Hello, I am like most gardeners, I try everything and keep the things I like. I cannot kill a plant I don't like but I will trade or give it away. I started food gardening with my father in law when I lived in AZ. When I moved to WA I grew every flower I could find and a few food items. After 25 years in WA I moved back to AZ to be closer to family. I have lost many flowers here because I have a very hot yard, I started growing tall shrubs and a few small trees to provide some shade and my hubby and I built two 8' X 16" shade cloth gazebo's so I would have areas to grow perennials. I am still in the process of learning what will and will not take our extreme heat. I do have a lot of experience growing and I am sure I will persevere.
My other interests are playing with my grandchildren, giving my dogs treats and teaching my granddaughter the skills of planting marigolds to ward off bugs!

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Some info about cocoajuno:
  • Joined on May 29, 2016
  • Name: Carla
  • Location: Buckeye, AZ
  • USDA Zone: 9a
  • Interests: Grandchildren, Dogs and Gardening
  • Birthday: September 20
  • Thumbs-ups: 3,341 received, 28,798 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 42 received, 153 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 25
  • cocoajuno's active areas of the database
  • Daylilies (284 contributions.)
  • Irises (150 contributions.)
  • Dahlias (35 contributions.)
  • Salvias (34 contributions.)
  • Lantanas (14 contributions.)
  • Amaryllis (13 contributions.)
  • cocoajuno's Plant List
    There are 1,441 plants in cocoajuno's plant list.

    cocoajuno recommends
    Burpee (W. Atlee Burpee)
    Dancing Daylily Garden
    Diane's Flower Seeds
    Easy to Grow Bulbs
    Flowers by the Sea
    Harris Seeds
    Jackrabbit Nursery
    Ladybug Daylilies
    Nola's Iris Garden (Prevost Ranch and Gardens)
    Park Seed
    Summer Winds Nursery
    Swallowtail Garden Seeds







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