Hello, I am like most gardeners, I try everything and keep the things I like. I cannot kill a plant I don't like but I will trade or give it away. I started food gardening with my father in law when I lived in AZ. When I moved to WA I grew every flower I could find and a few food items. After 25 years in WA I moved back to AZ to be closer to family. I have lost many flowers here because I have a very hot yard, I started growing tall shrubs and a few small trees to provide some shade and my hubby and I built two 8' X 16" shade cloth gazebo's so I would have areas to grow perennials. I am still in the process of learning what will and will not take our extreme heat. I do have a lot of experience growing and I am sure I will persevere.
My other interests are playing with my grandchildren, giving my dogs treats and teaching my granddaughter the skills of planting marigolds to ward off bugs!