frahnzone5's profile

Thumb of 2013-01-13/frahnzone5/fd1375

frahnzone5's badges:
Bee Lover Birds Butterflies Cat Lover Hummingbirder Winter Sowing

Some info about frahnzone5:
  • Joined on January 10, 2012
  • Name: felisa
  • Location: bensenville, il (chicagoland area)
  • USDA Zone: 5a
  • Interests: obsessive gardener, amassing as many plants as possible even if I don't have a place to put them
  • Thumbs-ups: 208 received, 86 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 2 received, 1 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 2
  • Plant Database Contributions:

    frahnzone5's active areas of the database
  • Daylilies (28 contributions.)
  • frahnzone5's Plant List
    There are 88 plants in frahnzone5's plant list.
    Perennials: 35 plants
    Trees & Shrubs: 9 plants
    Grasses: 3 plants
    Daylilies: 16 plants
    Heucheras, Tiarellas: 6 plants
    Iris: 5 plants
    Hostas: 9 plants







    Today's site banner is by wildflowers and is called "Iris x hollandica"

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