gardenfish's profile

gardenfish's infobox
I am a Master Gardener in my state, I support the local 4-H in my county and I am a Fair Board member for my local county fair. I am organic, and have a large pollinator garden. I garden with all wildlife in mind, we are living in their space. I fully support endangered animal protections.

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gardenfish's badges:
Bee Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tomato Heads Salvias Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Peppers Organic Gardener Native Plants and Wildflowers Morning Glories Master Gardener: Arkansas Lilies Hummingbirder Heirlooms Echinacea Container Gardener Composter Cat Lover Butterflies Zinnias

Some info about gardenfish:
  • Joined on October 6, 2018
  • Name: Lynda Horn
  • Location: Arkansas
  • USDA Zone: 7b
  • Interests: gardening , fishing, hiking and various crafts.I’m a voracious reader with over 300 books.
  • Birthday: August 27
  • Thumbs-ups: 102,344 received, 168,232 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 310 received, 434 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 63
  • Plant Database Contributions:

    gardenfish's active areas of the database
  • Morning Glories (56 contributions.)
  • Tomatoes (51 contributions.)
  • Daylilies (39 contributions.)
  • Peppers (21 contributions.)
  • Roses (15 contributions.)
  • Lilies (15 contributions.)
  • Salvias (13 contributions.)
  • gardenfish's Plant List
    There are 43 plants in gardenfish's plant list.

    gardenfish's Photo Contest Submissions







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