haighr's profile

haighr's infobox
Life isn't about how you survived the storm...
it's about how you danced in the rain!

Thumb of 2010-09-27/haighr/2e23c1

haighr's badges:
Charter ATP Member Gardens in Buckets Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Vegetable Grower Tropicals Garden Ideas: Level 1 Peonies Lilies Hummingbirder Hostas Garden Art Ferns Echinacea Daylilies Enjoys or suffers cold winters

Some info about haighr:
  • Joined on February 6, 2010
  • Name: Candee Gaye
  • Location: Western Maryland
  • Interests: Steve and I share passions for gardening, woodworking and travel. We have four fabulous children and three beautiful grandbabies. We created our own tropical oasis in our back yard complete with palms, lobster pot, conch shells, tropical plants, lobster pot and even a treasure chest (our granddaughters have dibbs on the fake jewels! We have no plans to be sitting in the rocking chairs on the front porch reminiscing about how we could'a should'a - we are do'ers! Best advice - spend every day like like it is your first and spend every night like it is your last!
  • Thumbs-ups: 36 received, 0 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 2 received, 0 given.
  • Member Ideas by haighr:
    Meet Fritz!
    Big Daddy Drac!
    Arrangements 101 - You Can Do This!