TBGDN's blog

Irises In Indiana- May, 2017 Part Two
Posted on May 13, 2017 5:47 AM

May 12, 2017 This post is a continuing account of the irises blooming this year in Indiana. All photos are my own from my own gardens, and they represent either success or failure of certain irises during this very unusual year of weather. It is a partial record of what bloomed, when it bloomed and in some cases did not bloom at all. For anyone (and myself) who wants or cares to refer to Part One of this venture I've placed a link here for easy access. Or simply scroll past this entry and part one begins.

Today I mowed so there was little time for gardening or irises. But I did notice there are several Tall Bearded Iris showing color in the buds, and two have even bloomed so far. Jesse's Song (Bryce Williamson, 1979-83), and Splashacata both opened at the start of this week so I did manage a few pictures. Hopefully the weather will hold in the coming week for more blooms and pictures. Meanwhile here are some little ones which bloomed this past week.

Tweety Bird, Paul Black, 1991/92: Wise MDB, Thomas Johnson 2000-01: Zooboomafoo, Paul Black, 2007
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And then there were the first of the larger ones to open during this week of storms and turmoil. Pictured from left to right below are, Jesse's Song TB, Red Zinger IB from Paul Black and Splashacata a TB from Rick Tasco.
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Saturday, May 13, 2017: And today was another uneventful day in the gardens except for pulling a few weeds. It was (is) breezy so I didn't get many pictures that were acceptable. Of the few I got I have posted below. I did another shot of Stroke Of Brilliance pictured below left. I am amazed at the brilliance of this little iris. Next to it is Wish Upon A Star hybridized by Thomas Johnson. And third from left is Cub Cadet also from Tom Johnson, 2006.
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Sunday, May 14, 2014 Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Moms, Grand-moms and Great Grand-moms out there. We owe a great debt of gratitude and Thanksgiving to all of you for all the things you do without fail. And I might ask, "Where would we be without YOU?"

Monday, May 15, 2017 Today opened for me at 6:00 AM with my neighbor disking a field across the road. The wind was blowing from the NNE at about 10+ mph. so that means no photography this morning. I had noticed looking around while doing morning chores that several Tall Bearded irises had opened, but there was just too much wind to take pictures. Among those that opened today were Happenstance, Cross Current, Golden Panther, Celebration Song, Crowned Heads, Mulberry Echo and Imprimis. There are most likely others in beds away from the house that I did not check today. The sunlight is up at 11:30 AM in blistering, blinding form so I will scrub pictures for today. There is too much sun and wind! I will post three from the week-end into the blog just for the record. Below are Bundle of Love from Paul Black, BB, 2007, Londonderry from Keith Keppel, IB, 1995-96, and Jesse's Song, Bryce Williamson, 1979/83.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Another day with high winds and blazing sun. My strategy was to get a few pictures early this morning before the onset of blistering sun and high winds began. I had already taken some photos last evening, May 15, 2017 in low light conditions. I thought it fitting to post what was fairly good in my blog for the record if nothing else. Below are some results. The first three are Cross Current by Keith Keppel, TB, 1994-1995.
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Continuing on I took some random close ups in calm, low light conditions. The following are some of these.
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The first above is Everything Plus, O. D. Niswonger, Second is Happenstance, Keith Keppel, and 3rd is Jesse's Song in early morning light today, It is a favorite, very dependable iris from Bryce Williamson, 1979/83. (Also shown above on this page in overcast conditions)

Then we have below two random shots of iris beds on either side of Mulberry Echo, TB, William Maryott, 1997. Wind was a major factor today, and sunlight was intense and very warm (86F @6:pm). Heat & humidity alone seem to make the blooms droopy.
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Continuing on a daily basis during the iris season.

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Irises In Indiana- May, 2017 Part One
Posted on May 10, 2017 9:04 AM

May 1, 2017: It is currently 48°F here at 10:47 am. Wind is out of the west at 18, gusting at 36 mph. Cloudy with spits of rain. Same all day only more cold rain & wind. Several MDB's & SDB's did not bloom this year, and the ones that did were damaged with hard frost, wind and rain. What is disturbing is that several TB's are putting up bloom stalks only to be snapped off! Jesse's Song (my old faithful) is showing color on two stems, as is Splashacata & Vanity.

May 9, 2017: I debated starting a brand new post at the height of iris season. I'm using the excuse, "if anyone is interested, but doesn't have time now, then we can look at this post in fall or winter". It helps me keep track of what happens in 2017. It is also a reminder of what kind of year it is (or has been) locally. Right now it does not look all that promising. In summary there have been too many ups and downs; and too much rain, wind, frosts, freezes, etc.

Another point: I have been "down-sizing" for years so most of my irises are "old news"; nothing hot; nothing new and nothing outstanding compared to today's new introductions and "must haves". With that said readers might have interests in more progressive cultivars and collectors. That is just to tip people off as to this blog's focus on "older" irises or whatever ones I have remaining. (from the good old days)

Another point: With about 2+ acres to manage I tend to get behind some weeks with the work of upkeep. I welcome all input from everybody should you care to join me; ideas, comments, opinions and pictures. If I am not active on the Iris Forum it means I'm out there in the gardens somewhere away from the internet!

First iris to bloom here April 16, 2017, Alpine Lake, MDB, A&D Willot, 1980/81
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April 30, 2017 The effects of bad weather can be seen on this bloom of Big Blue Eyes SDB after a windy rain storm. At right Bluebeards Ghost on another day (May 8, 2017) in early light- still showing the effects of a cold, cold morning.
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Then again on another day before and after a cold rain shower on May 9, 2017.
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In these pictures I've tried to get a fairly good shot of Chubby Cheeks (Paul Black, 1985) before the sunlight distorted them. Sometimes that is difficult depending on the time of day and the position of the irises. (April 25, 2017)
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April 24-29, 2017 Then there is Cute or What another SDB from Dave Niswonger down in Missouri. This is a tough little plant with lots of bloom power.
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April 19, 2017 Doozey is one of the smallest MDB irises here and blooms in some of the worst weather including frost and even occasional snow!
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April 24 & 29, 2017 Shown here are SDB Gal Pal (Paul Black) on either side of SDB Scion (Barry Blyth, Australia). Lots of Rain on Gal Pal.
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May 8, 2017 Then there's a day with some sunshine which showed the intensity of dust on Devoted on either side of Stroke Of Brilliance below after a day of sun & overcast. Stroke Of Brilliance was in a different garden in shade at the time.
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Nine Lives is another SDB from Paul Black which deserves a spot in the collector's garden. It is shown here on each side of an IB that I developed in 2010 from a cross of Wish Upon A Star & Wise (MDB) pollen. (I need to re-check my records to make sure.) It grows and blooms up to about 17-18 inches depending on location. And often like an SDB. It is not registered.
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Tingle is a little MDB from Paul Black which seems to never stop in spite of weather. Here are three shots from April 25 & April 29, 2017, two in the rain. A bright spot in the collector's garden for sure!
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To be continued as time permits.

Continuing Thursday, May 11, 2017

Another cool and breezy day here after nightly rain. Cloudy with no sunshine (as of 12:50 PM) I hesitate to post this iris because it's a seedling of mine that I've held onto since 2010. I cannot force myself to compost it since it has "grown on me". Anyway I'm trying to recall its pedigree from memory and it escapes me at the moment. Therefore I'll take the time to look and post it here. It is seedling IB-2010, It is one of about four that I kept from that cross. I am posting the actual pictures of the seed pod & the seeds which gave me this iris below.

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Here is the iris from the cross that I saved. It grows much too tall to classify as an SDB since it measures at its tallest 17-18 inches. So I have designated it as an IB in case I ever register it. It is a striking iris when viewed in differing lighting conditions. And it clumps up quite rapidly. In overcast the falls seem to give off an almost black hue in the center.
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See Irises In Indiana- May, 2017 Part Two

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Happy Thanksgiving
Posted on Nov 24, 2016 7:43 AM

Thanksgiving is a treasured holiday from my childhood past. As I look back through the years the holiday seemed more important for its historical significance, as well as its faith based origins. In my thoughts I can remember the happiness and comfort of neighborhood friendships and family bonds. The Thanksgiving day meal was a very special occasion marked by overcrowded tables, benches and chairs; and the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen area.

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Foods sometimes included roasted wild pheasants and ducks along with traditional roast turkey stuffed with a wonderful cornbread-onion-sage dressing. There were dishes of green beans, pickled beets, mashed potatoes, buttered corn and slaw. Hot biscuits or fresh cornbread complemented the wild raspberry jelly and home churned butter perfectly. Homemade apple or berry cobblers were set out for deserts.
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After mealtime the balance of the day was spent in clean-up, coffee, conversation and relaxation. There were no malls, internet or television hysteria!
Today we seem to have drifted away from those traditions. Again, I feel we’re losing so much as we move away from our cherished holidays and the true meanings behind them. I realize too that I must now consider myself as part of another, out-of-date, senior generation so vastly different from the current crop of youngsters.

And, when I see the ’normal’ practices of slick TV ads, ’black Friday’ insanity and news videos of stampeding people rushing to get their hands on a material item, I feel sad! There have even been reports of people killed in recent years during these rituals. Sad! I know the holiday means different things to different people. For myself I am grateful to God for the abundance of blessings and friends HE has given to me. I am even more appreciative of the my wonderful family and neighbors. These are the things I wish for everyone this Thanksgiving season at NGA around the world.
May everyone have and enjoy a safe and blessed holiday.

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Gonna Find Me A Bluebird!
Posted on Aug 23, 2016 8:49 AM

Thumb of 2016-08-07/TBGDN/202fab Thumb of 2016-08-07/TBGDN/fce80dI probably seem peculiar to many folks because of what I write. My summers are a nostalgic trip through a three month period of time with loads of jobs, activities and 'must-get-done' projects. And sometimes I question if anybody else really reads this kind of stuff. Nevertheless it's a macro-condensed version of my summer in pictures and words. I like to enhance my stories with lots of pictures so people can see what I'm talking about. And occasionally I goof up a sentence or two that even I can't quite understand. Summer traditionally begins around June 21 of each year. I like to think summer is a combination of June, July and August when most gardening ventures are in full swing. September (to me) is a wake-up call alerting me that Autumn is on the way; so get those pre-winter jobs done! But, while summer is still here I need to make use of, and enjoy every minute I can of it. This includes taking time to "slow down and smell the roses" and all the other natural beauty summer offers! How can anyone not?

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The benefits of summer will always include an abundance of fresh garden vegetables as opposed to stale supermarket offerings! By July 4th we've enjoyed our first batch of green beans with new potatoes. And we are always excited to see the first tomato ripening on the vine! Fresh salads of lettuce, cucumbers and radishes add to (and even make) summer meals. As stated before Summer brings a multitude of fresh vegetables and fruits from the gardens. Pictures are more convincing than words, and I can't imagine why anyone would fail to see and enjoy the benefits of gardening!
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As noted above summer is filled with jobs, gardens, mowing, weeding, home projects and never ending things to think about and do! I'm not one to limit myself to only a few plants or ideas: I want all of summer, day by day & week by week! Summers always come with varying kinds of weather; and 2016 came with drought, humidity, blistering hot temperatures and damaging thunderstorms. The heat and humidity have been so unbearable that I've begun to limit my hours in direct sunlight without UV protection. Even with adverse weather I refuse to give up my summers. I just drink more ice tea and sit in the shade more often.

Thumb of 2016-08-23/TBGDN/8302a5 Thumb of 2016-08-23/TBGDN/dc2ecaI had not posted to my blog since early June of this year. Once I decide to post something I often get a 'little' carried away by adding too much 'stuff'! That's probably the case here with this post, and I doubt I'll get back with another until about Christmas 2016. That will wrap up the year. This is one of those days that I get a song 'stuck' in my head, and I wind up playing it to death! Case in point 'Gonna Find Me A Bluebird' which I remember from early teens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?... I know this has gone long enough, and I can now think of a dozen things to add. However, I know it is best to stop here! I must comment on the onion at left: It is 'Candy' and probably the largest one I've grown in several years (Photo Aug. 22,'16). Garden Onion (Allium cepa 'Candy') The picture at right was from July 29, 2016 showing a baby mantis which I could not resist. As stated before this is a "mini-macro" version of my summer 2016!
Please enjoy every remaining minute of your summer! And best wishes for the coming autumn.

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Another Passion: Aircraft & Flying
Posted on Jun 8, 2016 11:42 AM

Thumb of 2016-06-08/TBGDN/ea3f9eSince childhood I've been fascinated with airplanes- all airplanes! I simply could not understand at that young age how a man-made craft could fly like the birds. I remember watching whenever a plane would fly over the house, and secretly wished that I could do that too! This was in the years before modern jet aircraft when the only plane I was likely to see was a single engine Cessna crop duster. But yet I had no idea back then where time and circumstances would take me.

As time and the years passed my interests became more diverse. Being raised in the countryside on a farm raising livestock, grains and potatoes among other things I was drawn to growing things. The simple fact that a small seed could somehow emerge from the soil, put forth leaves and grow into something as big as a stalk of corn or a pumpkin simply defied logic (and my understanding). As part of a farm family we had work (lots of it) to do. Nobody escaped work back then: That's how we survived, and if we were lucky earned some extra money too. In today's world that would almost be "unlawful" according to current child labor laws! What a pity! I cannot imagine growing up in the environment today with all the 'politically correct' atmosphere that exists now. That's another subject for another time. My interests expanded tremendously through young adulthood and through high school.

Thumb of 2016-06-08/TBGDN/7a5cdf Thumb of 2016-06-08/TBGDN/59cc6fWith my range of interests growing into a lot of different ventures I decided on a tour of duty with the U. S. Air Force after high school. Little did I realize that particular field also required a lot of work too. But, no matter I was finding that my objectives were being realized, at least part of them anyway! In my mind I was finding much of what I liked in this new venture at the age of 18: There was boot camp in Texas, tech school, lots of military travel and loads of airplanes! Military tech school took me to Biloxi, Mississippi where I was enrolled in communications and electronics. Later I would do a lot of overseas travel in various places with the U. S. Air Force. Little did I realize then I was accomplishing many of my goals, and doing it while I was at a young, energetic and curious age! Moving on to civilian life my work took me into manufacturing where once again I was engaged in a lot of travel all over the U. S. including California, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky, Texas and Illinois. Over the years I was fortunate to become involved with many friends from all over. I am even more fortunate to live within easy driving proximity to Wright-Patterson Air Museum near Dayton, Ohio. I am even nearer to my once-assigned duty station at Grissom ARB in Indiana. Most of the pictures on this blog post are from the Air Museum at Grissom. I cannot imagine why my interests take me in so many directions, but I do know for sure I am blessed with more than my share, including pets, gardens, family and lots of country living.

For those who might find this blog of interest I am posting some favorite pictures here.

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