wildflowers's blog

Ah, Spring!
Posted on Apr 8, 2019 2:43 PM

If I had to pick a favorite season, it would be spring. The season when everything wakes from hibernation after the seemingly long and cold winter. The new leaves appear on the trees, little spring flowers start to bloom, soon many visitors are rambling about and the birds are singing.

As a matter of fact, so much has happened since my last post in March, I don't know where to begin!

Yes, I know, I want to mention the apple blossoms are blooming right now. I think it might be earlier than usual. The apple blossoms attract unusual characters.

Like this Mournful Thyris Moth, Thyris sepulchralis, rear view and some kind of green bee.
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I think I've seen this one before but I can't remember its name. Not even sure if it's a bee or a fly, or something else. I'll be sure to report back when and if I find out.
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Some teeny tiny bees like this one.
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And the more familiar honey bees show up in low numbers. This one looks loaded down with pollen.
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The tomato plants are in the ground. A couple of my original seeds didn't make it. Peron Sprayless is one that I can think of, one seed sprouted but it was weak and eventually died. With all the tomato plants ready, I think a retry will have to wait for another year. I don't usually grow hybrids but this year I'm trying a couple from seed, Celebrity and Sungold. I've heard so much raving about the Sungold, that I had to try it for myself! It's a cherry tomato.

Here's what's in the ground ~
Cherokee Purple
Jaune Flammee'
Mr. Stripey
Watermelon beefsteak
Green Zebra
Glossy Rose Blue
Goldman's Italian-American paste
Brad's Atomic Grape
Bloody Butcher cherry

Red Robin Micro-Dwarf (True dwarf) is an experiment this year, first time trying to grow an indoor tomato in a pot, sitting in a south facing window.
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Blue Dwarf Kale looks good growing in a pot.
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First Knock Out Rose bud of the year.
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Borage does a much better job sowing and growing itself than I can do with the best intentions. Big and beautiful!
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The Black-bellied Whistling Ducks are back again this year. They remind me of our chickens, the way the male stood by as the female forged for food and while she floated at the pond's edge. We thought maybe she was nesting but I think I read they make their nests in trees. We watched them most of yesterday. They didn't seem too scared of us but we kept our distance. I couldn't see them this morning. Hope to see them again.

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The most recent guests at the bird seeds. One of the squirrels looks pregnant. I think peanuts are her favorite because I keep finding piles of peanuts in my potted plants. I laugh every time I find some. I don't remember seeing this many Brown-headed Cow Birds here before. They aren't my favorite since the females will leave her eggs in other bird's nest, for the other birds to raise. There's also a couple of Mourning Doves. They're in my favorite list, I love hearing them coo.

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The weather is nice today so were going to sit outside and relax.

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Still waiting for Spring
Posted on Mar 1, 2019 6:07 PM

February was another rainy month. Today is the first day of March and the ground is saturated so we're just waiting for a chance to do some outdoor spring cleaning. It started warming up a little but the past couple of nights have dropped down to freezing and we're expected to get down into the 20's for the next week. So, it looks like spring is on hold for now.

Some of the fruit trees have already started to bloom. But, it wouldn't be the first time they got ahead of the weather.

Peaches are blooming but they won't survive temps down to 20.
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Cardinal on the blooming pear tree, looking thru the dingy window.
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The honey bees are also taking advantage of the early blooms.
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Before I show off some of the birds, here's a picture of the super moon that lit up the sky on February 19th. Looking to the east through the bare branches.

Full Snow Moon - Supermoon
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The birds seem to appreciate the seeds and suet I've been putting out. And so do the squirrels who aren't shy about getting their share!! There's one big fat squirrel that comes around and he will lay down flat like a rug and feed his face. It's a good laugh to see.

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Female Downy Woodpecker
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Chipping Sparrow
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The Eastern Phoebe is back and looking for their partner. Phoebe has a nest under the back porch and comes back every year. It's probably my most favorite. It's easy to recognize by their distinct call, "Phoebe Phoebe". Here's a link you can scroll down to hear the different calls. https://www.audubon.org/field-...
It's a joy to watch these birds raise their babies. They're really timid and quiet house guests. Phoebe's are one of a group of birds called flycatchers. I call them my little garden friends.

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Eastern Bluebirds, the first one is a female, the second pic is the male.
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In the garden ~ The daffodils are budding.
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Daylilies are emerging.
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How about those seedlings!!

Tomatoes and peppers are up!

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The little peppers sprouted on top of the warm freezer and then I put them in their makeshift greenhouse which is the plastic packaging from a duvet cover. Works really good!
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Here's a few more things that have sprouted ~
Tomato Bloody Butcher
Arugula Pronto
Kale Dwarf Blue
Marigold Queen Sophia
Nasturtium Black Velvet
Nasturtium Jewel of Africa
Hamelia patens, Scarlet bush for the hummingbirds

With all this cold weather don't forget your Vitamin C. I love this time of year when all kinds of yummy oranges are in season. Cara Cara is probably my favorite, it's the one on the left side. On the right is Blood Orange, naval on top and tangerine on the bottom. Ruby Red Grapefruit in the middle.

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Cara Cara oranges are really sweet and extremely fragrant. They're also incredibly juicy, full of Vitamins and minerals like calcium and potassium. Fiber too.

Here's some more info that I've learned about the Cara Cara orange (Citrus sinensis). They have lycopene, which gives them their pink color. Lycopene is a nutrient that is considered a super antioxidant and gives the orange its dark pink color. Originally found growing at Hacienda Cara Cara in Venezuela, Cara Cara trees grow well in hot humid climates and are now growing in Texas. I found a couple of seeds so guess what? Yep, I'm going to try growing some.

Blood oranges are also packed with extra antioxidants called anthocyanins giving this orange its crimson color. Blood oranges have a milder flavor that reminds me of raspberries. I think I read they need cooler weather at night (like they have in grape growing country) than we have here in Texas. I may give some seeds a try anyway.

I had to show this crazy squirrel sitting on the edge of the branches nearing the top of a tree. It looks like its sitting up there nibbling on something, I'm guessing the new buds. Mind you this tree is about 90 to 100 feet tall. First a close up and then an over view. Can you see it? Look at the far right tree around the middle of the picture, near the top left of the tree.

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The Super Blood Wolf Moon
Posted on Jan 23, 2019 12:18 PM

The dogs woke me in time to see the eclipse of the moon this past Sunday, January 20th. I knew they would. Earlier, they were growling with their noses in the air so I figured they were catching the scent of coyotes that are usually on the move around the full moon.

The sky was perfectly clear and I could see the moon through the trees earlier that night. It was big and bright.

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This is what I woke up to. It's much colder outside now but worth a little shivering to see this amazing event.

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It became harder to focus as the moon moved into full eclipse but I managed a decent shot.

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The moon was still shining bright the next morning, lighting up the western sky. It was beautiful!

The following night's moon was beautiful too. The ring around it means rain. Yes, we had rain.

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What else is happening?

All of the tomato and most of the pepper seeds have sprouted. That's all I've started so far and will probably wait until February to start other seeds. Probably; but only if I can wait!

The lettuce and mustard greens have survived the winter so far. Our lowest temp so far the winter was down to 26° overnight. A mild winter for us. The dill is sprouting out there too. Dill needs an early start here.

I've made so many salads with the greens, I lost count! This one has some store bought arugula too. Arugula is so delicious! I'm not sure if the garden arugula will come back this year after the army worms attacked the roots. That was in October, I think. Army worms were everywhere! Not very long later, the arugula died overnight! I mean it was green one day and dead the next! I dug up so many army worm pupa it was crazy! If the arugula doesn't come back, I'm ready to plant more! Love arugula!!

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Homemade crusty bread to go with it. The secret to the best homemade bread, with the taste and texture of a really good artisan bread is a little fresh ground sprouts. Well, at least one secret.

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Female Cardinal and a couple of male Cardinals.
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And the sowing begins
Posted on Jan 9, 2019 3:53 PM

It was pretty quiet around here for the new year which suits me just fine. New Year's Day started with the usual southern traditional meal but this year instead of a big spread of food, I put everything in one pot which made a delicious soup. We loved it so much, it will be our new tradition!

New Year's Soup with corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and black eyed peas. And some cornbread on the side.
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Usually I'm not thinking about starting seeds until February but this year I'm going to start earlier, like now. Although, we won't hear from Punxsutawney Phil until February 2nd, something tells me we might get lucky and have an early spring. I have some Coco Coir soaking in water. I'll mix it with a seed starting medium. It seems like I have much better success starting tomatoes and peppers when I add Coco Coir; so that's what I'm going to do.

Here's what's up on the list to sow tomorrow, January 10th:
Jaune Flammee
Brad's Atomic Grape
Glossy Rose Blue (cherry)
Peron Sprayless
Goldman's Italian-American
Watermelon Beefsteak
Red Robin Micro Dwarf (a true dwarf tomato)

Sweet Peppers:
Zulu bellpepper

Hot Peppers:
Rezha Maceonian
Congo Trinidad Habanero
Peter Pepper
Big Jim Chili
Aji Dulce

Here's what else is going on ~
The squirrels are keeping the dogs enthralled doing their acrobatics in the trees.

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Trying to hide
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So much rain!
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Splashes of color!
Japanese Spirea
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Loquat tree is extremely cold hardy! Too bad it fruits in winter and the fruit cannot survive below about 27F. This tree is around 8 or 9 years old and so far no fruit.
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Colorful sunset ~ wishing all a good night!
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A new year approaching
Posted on Dec 30, 2018 3:01 PM

With a new year approaching I thought it would be a good time to finally start a blog. Hi to my grandchildren. I hope you will find my blog interesting and I'll try to keep up with some gardening going-on's through the years to come. And anyone else who might be interested.

It's cold and wet right now. All the leaves are brown, for the most part!
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Just a couple of things growing in the winter garden. These two come to mind.

Lettuce 'Rouge d'Hiver'
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Mustard 'Red Frills'
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There's a lot of birds around.

Like these little wrens. I think its called a Carolina Wren.
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And Cardinals.
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This hawk has been hanging out near the pond. It's pretty good sized; I think it's a Red-Shouldered Hawk. Seems to like frogs and grasshoppers.
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Ran across these really fragrant apples at the store the other day so bought some. They're very sweet and crispy. The flavor reminds me of a pear. A crispy pear! Yum! If you run across some, I recommend them!

Opal Apples
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