From Seed to Seed:
Plant Science for K-8 Educators


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I. Introduction

Thank you for enrolling in From Seed to Seed: Plant Science for K-8 Educators. This professional development course is designed for K-8 teachers who already incorporate botany and gardening (indoors and out) into their science curriculum and for those teachers who would like to start doing so. You can work sequentially through the entire course or jump to the sections that will help you with specific concepts that you would like to grasp or teach to your students. There are no prerequisites; this course will provide you with all of the information that you will need to get started. In addition to the core botanical information, we provide you with activities and experiments that address several K-8 national standards. Although the National Science Education Standards are emphasized throughout the course, connections are also made to other disciplines: geography, health, history, language arts, and mathematics. Before you begin, please read the following information in order to get the most out of the course. Good luck and have fun!



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