From Seed to Seed:
Plant Science for K-8 Educators


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There is one plant relationship that we have yet to explore-the relationship between plants and people. Throughout history-and still today-plants have played many important roles in the lives of human beings. All of us, students included, can relate to plants-the foods we eat, the flowers in our yard-yet we are wholly unaware of the many more ways in which plants have been a part of our lives. This relationship deserves a bit more attention.

In this and the following two sections, we will investigate the complex relationship between plants and people-how people have benefited from plants, how plants have been moved around by people, and, finally, how people have altered plants for their own benefit.

Relevant Books
Glaser, Linda. 1996. Compost: Growing Gardens From Your Garbage. The Millbrook Press. ISBN: 0-7613-0030-9.



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