Viewing comments posted to the Roses Database

  • By scvirginia on Jun 24, 2018 3:33 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Ruth's German Rose')
    It's no wonder that this foundling is still around, even though its original name is unknown. It is heat-tolerant, shade-tolerant, disease-resistant, fragrant and easy to propagate from cuttings. The only prickles I've found are on the undersides of some of the leaflets. Since it's a once-blooming OGR, it's probably a good bit hardier than zone 8b where I grow it.

    Ruth Knopf of South Carolina discovered this rose, and she's the Ruth of the study name.

    The color in person is more violet and less pink than in the photos. I have wondered if it might be 'Violet sans Aiguillons' AKA 'Thornless Violet', but doubt I'll ever know the original name.

  • By AquaEyes (New Brunswick, NJ, USA - Zone 7a) on Jun 18, 2018 6:43 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Nouveau Monde')
    While what was sold by Vintage Gardens as 'Nouveau Monde' is the rose shown in Steve812's picture, that rose isn't the true 'Nouveau Monde'. The original rose by that name was a purple Gallica. The rose Vintage Gardens obtained from Europe is a large once-blooming pink Hybrid China. I was the only person posting pictures of this rose on HelpMeFind, and the admins there decided to create a new file for the imposter that was sold under that name -- "Nouveau Monde -- in commerce as" -- for the sake of accuracy. It's a fine plant, even if it's not the original. And I'm ecstatic that someone else has it -- so far, that makes only five I know of in the US, but surely there are more.


  • By tabbycat (Youngsville, LA - Zone 9b) on Jun 12, 2018 2:10 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Old Blush, Cl.')
    What a hardy rose. I've had mine for 4 years, climbing against a 6' wooden fence. This year, 2018, it bloomed all of April and May, then started growing 12" a week, adding 4' in length to all branches so far. I tie it to my back wood fence with fishing line. It is about to bloom again in mid summer and then again in fall.
  • By RoseBlush1 (Weaverville, California - Zone 8a) on Jun 8, 2018 12:03 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Linda Campbell')
    'Linda Campbell' is virtually a no care rose for me. Just feed it a bit and water it and the rose explodes with bloom.

    There are no disease problems and it stands up to triple digit temps just fine.
  • By RoseBlush1 (Weaverville, California - Zone 8a) on Jun 6, 2018 8:56 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Porcelain Rose')
    Porcelain Rose may look like a delicate little thing, but the blooms stand up to triple digits every day without a problem.
  • By mantisOH (Athens, Ohio - Zone 6a) on Apr 18, 2018 10:12 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Milestone')
    Long lasting. Takes on a more reddish overcast with age.
  • By bxncbx (NYC - Zone 7a) on Mar 6, 2018 7:35 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Lemon Drop')
    I had this small rose planted in a large pot. It did well but did not survive the winter in my garden. I did try to protect it with a cover, but several false springs caused it to die.
  • By cwhitt (Central Ohio 43016 - Zone 6a) on Feb 20, 2018 1:10 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Wildfire')
    This rose has been in my Ohio garden for about 16 years now. It and a yellow rose called Radiant Perfume are the only 2 roses that I have never had a problem with. It has been subjected to drought and high humidity and still grows well with not too much black spot. This is a great-looking rose for a vase. The only regret I have about it is that the color does fade after a few days, and it turns from a fiery orange to a lighter peach color. I wish it would keep its brilliant color. Also, I do wish it had a stronger scent, but even without a strong scent, it is well worth having in my garden just for the great bud shape and color. It is a rose you will really want to cut and show off in a vase. A great addition to my small area of garden space.
  • By cwhitt (Central Ohio 43016 - Zone 6a) on Feb 20, 2018 1:02 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Radiant Perfume')
    I have had this rose in my Ohio garden for about15 years now, and it is still doing great. It has come through drought and excessive humidity, and the leaves always remain a dark leathery green, with very little black spot. It is the strongest smelling rose I own. I put a single rose in a vase and put it on my desk at work - it scents the entire office. I have been very impressed with it - it is one of only 2 roses that have remained strong and trouble free in my rose bed over the years. Since I live in a condo, the space it is growing in is rather small, but it still continues to thrive. My favorite rose!
  • By christinereid54 (Texas - Zone 8b) on Feb 19, 2018 6:34 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Peggy Martin')
    This is the rose for people who are afraid they can't grow roses! It's vigorous to a fault. I planted mine about 6 years ago and it has thrived. It has virtually no thorns and, after a year or so, has been a spring and fall bloomer. What's interesting is that the spring blooms last a really long time (several months) here in Central Texas. Peggy Martin rose bushes don't have a fragrance but they make up for that by producing a profuse amount of small pink blooms. I do have to do some serious pruning in late winter--this rose will produce long canes and it can take over nearby plants, if you let it. Being thornless, or nearly so, it's not difficult to trim. It isn't bothered much by fungal diseases; if it gets a few ugly leaves from too much warm weather and drizzly rain, they drop off quickly. My rose gets a balanced organic fertilizer in mid February.
  • By RIrose (East Providence Rhode Island - Zone 6b) on Nov 15, 2017 5:31 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Super Hero')
    Super Hero is a very disease resistant rose. It is one of the first roses to bloom in my southern New England Garden and it blooms late into the season. It has saturated medium red flowers on stems long enough to cut for a small vase. It's a great rose for someone who wants an elegant bloom on a small, nicely shaped bush and for someone who has never grown roses before. It's part of the Easy Elegance series hybridized by Ping Lim.
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  • By RoseBlush1 (Weaverville, California - Zone 8a) on Sep 24, 2017 12:25 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Mr. Bluebird')
    Interesting fact about the registration and marketing of 'Mr. Bluebird' ...

    When Ralph Moore introduced this rose in 1960, miniature roses were in fashion, so he registered it as a miniature rose even though it is a china rose. He used the miniature classification because he said, "No one is interested in buying a china rose".

    In some rose literature, it is a cross of Old Blush (a china) x Old Blush. Ralph has said it is a self seedling of Old Blush. Since the pollen parent is uncertain, standard practice is to say it was open pollenated.

    Like many chinas, it does need to be pruned lightly in spring for a more prolific bloom.
  • By RoseBlush1 (Weaverville, California - Zone 8a) on Sep 20, 2017 7:46 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'White Delight')
    I have found 'White Delight' to be a prolific bloomer in my garden in the mountains of northern California. In the summer, my climate has low humidity and high temperatures. 'White Delight', growing own root, is a strong, healthy plant. I don't think I could ask for a better garden rose.
  • By Steve812 (Prescott, AZ - Zone 7b) on Sep 11, 2017 8:03 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Penny Lane')
    By one measure Penny Lane is a very rare hybrid tea rose (judging from its flowers at peak form) that actually grows in my garden on its own roots. This puts it solidly in the top ten percent of HT roses I have attempted in the mountains of Arizona. So it has vigorous roots, it survives dozens of late spring freezes, and it grows well enough in summers with coolish nighttime temperatures. I've observed no fungal infections, and its blossoms, though fragrant, do not seem to be overly affected by thrips. This said, it is not the most vigorous rose in my garden where it grows on poor soil, gets by on meager rations of water, and competes with the damask rose Nouveau Monde. In about four or five growing seasons its one cane has reached chest height. This is a very convenient height for photographing roses, but not a very generous height for a climber.
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  • By Steve812 (Prescott, AZ - Zone 7b) on Sep 10, 2017 6:09 PM concerning plant: English Shrub Rose (Rosa 'Claire Austin')
    Growing in about five years to four and a half feet tall and about as wide, Claire Austin produces flowers about the size and shape of a smallish tangerine. The blossoms start out a pale lemon sherbet yellow that fairly quickly fades to white. Compared to, say, Rainbow Sorbet, the plant seems a little spare with its blossoms - both the number on the plant at once and the frequency with which they are borne through the year. On close inspection, I find that there is a special quality to them, a delicacy that is almost heart-rendingly beautiful. The plant is not so densely branched as a polyantha, but it is well branched enough to look good standing alone in the garden without lots of knee-high plants around it. It has a lovely open shrubby apearance.
    As did Charlotte and The Poet's Wife, this rose developed some leaf yellowing that I presumed to be chlorosis in its early years. The problem killed Charlotte and TPW, but this season - with nothing but some foliar sprays that included a bit of iron - Claire Austin's leaves turned a darker shade of grassy green. Fans of really dark rose foliage tinged with gray, purple, or blue may be a little disappointed in the leaves, but the grassy green works pretty well with the flowers. I've observed no disease problems on Claire Austin. I suspect it might be happier in my zip code if it had a few hours of PM shade. I've been pleasantly surprised that the thrips aren't very drawn to the flowers. As of this writing, I cannot report detecting any remarkable fragrance.
  • By Steve812 (Prescott, AZ - Zone 7b) on Sep 10, 2017 11:26 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles')
    Tess of the d'Urbervilles is a plant that will almost never wow. It builds up slowly but inevitably to about six feet high and about eight feet across. The process can take seven years. During this time it is rarely troubled by insects or diseases. It doles out flowers during the growing season in a somewhat parsimonious manner, but they are always subtly lovely. The color is a magenta-tinged dark red, almost always lovely (at least in coolish summer areas where the petals do not dry out), but rarely stunning. It's a rose I cannot imagine doing without in the garden, but any garden that would depend solely on it for color would be a very somber one, indeed.
  • By Steve812 (Prescott, AZ - Zone 7b) on Sep 10, 2017 11:14 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Selfridges')
    I simply cannot stop taking photos of this rose. Part of the reason is that there are few moments during the growing season when it is not in bloom. Another is that I love the gently scrolling petals and the way they shine against the glossy green foliage. The plant itself grows with a vigor no HT rose I have planted here in the mountains of AZ can match. It actually needs a tiny bit of light shade to keep its roots from drying out too quickly. Old leaves can sometimes show some blackspot, otherwise, no observed disease problems. Not sure it would make a good cutting rose, but it surely does add nearly continual interest to the warm season garden.
  • By Steve812 (Prescott, AZ - Zone 7b) on Sep 10, 2017 11:06 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Portlandia')
    It is a rare rose bred after 1900 that can grow on its own roots, even if it is not being transplanted over and over. I bought Portlandia as a band from Heirloom Roses three years ago and I moved it last year. Despite the fact that it is growing on its own roots, that it grows in miserably thin soil, and that it keeps getting dug up and moved, each year it just gets bigger and better. One might wish for a bit more delicacy in the beauty of its blossoms; but in terms of vigor and disease resistance, this is a highly serviceable rose, capable of bringing color and interest to a garden without being finicky.
  • By Steve812 (Prescott, AZ - Zone 7b) on Aug 31, 2017 8:12 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Hermosa')
    In my own garden (procured ca. 2011 from Antique Rose Emporium) it is a chest-high plant , very nicely branched and about four or five feet across. The foliage has a subtle but distinct bluish cast and the flower's shade of pink is distinctly on the lavender side. This, IMO, augments the look of the flower. It is one of the prettiest roses I grow in terms of flower form, with its petals reflexing nicely as the best tea roses do. It is among the more generous in terms of flower production. And it has pretty good disease resistance. During wet/humid summers old leaves can get blackspot; but I have not yet seen new growth imperiled by the blight. It seems to be happy enough here in the mountains of AZ with four or five hours of midday shade.

    Because of its size, I simply cannot imagine growing more than three of these next to each other any more than I can imagine calling Sissinghurst Castle and all its associated grounds my home and domain.
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  • By sandnsea2 (Cape Cod, MA, USA - Zone 7a) on Jun 21, 2017 8:49 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Mathilda')
    This is a wonderful , compact, long blooming rose. It is a workhorse in my garden. I purchased 4 plants last Fall and they bloomed till frost. The color is a good blender for a mixed garden bed or border. A very useful rose.
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