Viewing comments posted to the Roses Database

  • By Chinook_City (Calgary, AB, Canada - Zone 3b) on Mar 7, 2021 12:11 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'St. Tropez')
    St. Tropez survived its first zone 3b winter very well with protection and was one of the first roses to spring forth in 2020. It wasn't planted till mid October, 2019, so it only got about a week to settle in prior to being hit with a snow storm. It spent the spring and summer in the "Clean 'n Easy" pot that it was purchased in. It grows like a hybrid tea rose with the first flush having single blooms per stem. The blooms last well on the bush and don't fade. It got three flushes, which is good for Calgary's short growing season. Subsequent flushes had small clusters of blooms. The blooms are very fragrant. It grew to just over 3 feet here, so I presume it would be taller in a zone with a longer growing season and if it had established stems from the previous year's growth. St. Tropez was pest and disease free without any spray. Generally black spot is not a big problem in Calgary, but powder mildew is because of the cool nights.
  • By kniphofia (Northumberland, UK) on Jan 28, 2021 4:11 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Rosemoor')
    Introduced in 2004 by David Austin roses this is a medium to large sized English shrub rose of enormous charm. The small mid to light pink, fragrant blooms with a green eye are held in dainty clusters. Very good coverage on the plant with good repeat flowering. Always a huge favourite of mine at The Alnwick Garden. Named after the Royal Horticultural Society's Devon garden which has a large collection of roses.
  • By kniphofia (Northumberland, UK) on Jan 24, 2021 6:17 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'James Galway')
    Introduced in 2000 by David Austin Roses to commemorate the 60th birthday of renowned flautist James Galway. A large vigorous shrub which can also be trained as a climber. The blooms are mid pink, paler at the edges of the blooms and have a crimped or pleated appearance. It has a medium old rose fragrance.
  • By kniphofia (Northumberland, UK) on Jan 23, 2021 11:15 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Harlow Carr')
    Introduced by David Austin Roses in 2004. A beautiful small to medium sized shrub bearing cupped mid pink blooms in clusters. Thorny or prickly stems. The plant blooms well throughout the season and also from ground height on well stemmed branches. Flowers have a strong old rose fragrance. Named for the Royal Horticultural Society's garden in Harrogate, Yorkshire to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the formation of the Society.
  • By kniphofia (Northumberland, UK) on Jan 23, 2021 8:51 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Geoff Hamilton')
    Introduced by David Austin in 1997, Geoff Hamilton has clusters of globular pink blooms borne in clusters. It has a strong fragrance and blooms in flushes throughout the season. Geoff Hamilton was a much loved presenter of the BBC programme Gardener's World in the 1980s which was broadcast from his garden at Barnsdale in the East Midlands in the UK. Geoff was an early advocate of organic gardening. He died in 1996.
  • By Dewberry (Austin, TX) on Jan 18, 2021 11:46 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Shadow Dancer')
    This rose is impressive:

    I had one in Lubbock, TX, where it's very difficult and often impossible to grow things because of the salty, alkaline, heavy clay soil; hot dry climate (in bad years many days are hotter than 110 degrees and the annual rainfall may be at desert levels.); extreme winds; dust storms; occasional bad hail; and surprisingly cold winters.

    Our Shadow Dancer rose bloomed profusely all season long. It grew up an A-frame porch swing in the yard, neatly covering one leg of the frame and the top of the frame with masses of big ruffled red and pink blooms, which have a strong raspberry scent. The foliage was also nice and healthy.

    Really, this rose could rightly be the most popular climbing rose in the world. But instead it is almost impossible to find. I'd dearly like to persuade growers and retailers to give us Shadow Dancer. It was introduced just more than 20 years ago, so I guess it's out of patent and they wouldn't have to pay for a patent license. Why on earth don't they add this jewel?
  • By kniphofia (Northumberland, UK) on Jan 15, 2021 10:07 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Ambridge Rose')
    Bred in 1986 by David Austin, The Ambridge Rose is a beautiful repeat-blooming, small-size shrub rose, 2 to 3 feet high. The flowers are a warm apricot blend with a pleasing myrrh fragrance, produced in loose clusters. Named after the village featured in the long-running BBC radio series The Archers. I grew this myself in my Yorkshire garden and can attest to its charm.
  • By kniphofia (Northumberland, UK) on Jan 11, 2021 8:29 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Morning Mist')
    Introduced by David Austin in 1996 this is a shrub rose reaching 6 feet, bearing large copper-pink single flowers with a prominent boss of stamens held on red anthers. A most unusual colour, the flowers later form large orange hips. It has a light musk fragrance and has a long blooming season. Attractive to insects due to it's single form. One of my all time favourite roses.
  • By ILPARW (southeast Pennsylvania - Zone 6b) on Jan 3, 2021 9:02 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Pink Knock Out')
    I have never really liked roses, except to buy a bouquet at a florist. My mother had me plant and care for several grafted tea roses on the east side of the old house back in the 1960's & 70's. I always have gotten pricked and/or scratched when working with hybridized cultivar roses. This line of new Knock Out cultivars has been planted around a lot the last two decades and I had to prune and work with these shrub roses for some customers when I was working with a small garden-landscape company from 2002 to 2018. No matter what I wear, I get bitten by these. This line of shrub roses does not need to be fertilized and sprayed. I don't remember any of these having a good strong scent. Deer can nibble on them a little or a lot. A new viral disease spread by some mites called Rose Rosette Disease is killing off lots of these and other cultivated roses. This new disease must be native to eastern North America, as it does not really harm the native species of roses as: Virginia Rose, Illinois Rose, Carolina Rose, Swamp Rose, etc.
  • By flowerchild75 (Kansas City, Missouri - Zone 6a) on Aug 29, 2020 8:52 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Ambridge Rose')
    Blooms prolifically with really fast repeats. Unlike my other Austins, Ambridge tolerates hot temps in the upper 90s and up, extreme humidity, and full sun without any trouble or problems. For me, here in 6a, blooms are mostly light apricot (very pastel) and fade to almost white by day 3. A very compact and tidy bush. Ordered mine as a bare root directly from David Austin's website and planted it the third week in April of 2020. It took off and has been blooming like crazy since early to mid July. Foliage is healthy and attractive. Has a lovely, sweet fragrance that is just right, yet not overpowering, with notes of honeysuckle and myrrh. Definitely a winner and must-have in my book!
  • By jathton (Oklahoma City, OK - Zone 7a) on Jun 28, 2020 6:28 PM concerning plant: Lady Banks Yellow (Rosa banksiae 'Lutea')
    If you were to go to YouTube after reading this comment and type in "Shady Lady" or "The World's Largest Rose" you would be taken to a 6 minute film. The film will tell you a fascinating story about, I believe, the white flowering form of Bank's Rose.
    This particular Lady Banks Rose, as of 2017, completely covers an arbor that measures 9,000 square feet. In its native habitat of central and western China it typically grows at elevations of 1,640 - 7,218 feet.
    But this rose nowhere near acquired the status in China that it grabbed in Tombstone, AZ.

    The "Shady Lady of Tombstone" was, in 1970 when I first saw it, and continues to be somewhat awe inspiring. In 1989 my mother was contemplating replacing the canvas arbor that covered her patio... but the $4,000 cost did not appeal to her at all. So I suggested the yellow form of the Lady Bank's Rose.

    Ten years later the rose had covered half of the arbor and it absolutely glows when the entire plant is covered in small, double pale yellow flowers.

    If you have an arbor and you are contemplating a climbing plant for it... I strongly recommend this terrific rose.

  • By sallyg (central Maryland - Zone 7b) on May 11, 2020 1:08 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'First Prize')
    This is a lovely and fragrant rose, but like most roses in my garden, plagued by some early tiny caterpillars (sawflies?) and black spot. I no longer have it.
  • By janelp_lee (Toronto, Ontario - Zone 6a) on Mar 2, 2020 2:01 PM concerning plant: Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora)
    Easy to grow from seeds or cuttings. Small, single, fragrant white flowers in late spring in huge numbers. Good for cut flower use, the flowers also attract bees and butterflies. The pea-sized rosehips turn from green to vibrant orange-red in late summer and last throughout the winter until the next early spring. The twigs with red fruit are excellent as cut flowers in outdoor winter planters as filler or indoors as cut flowers in vases. The twigs with red fruit also can be used dry as gift wrap decorations. The smooth, thornless canes are very friendly to gardeners. Fast growing, so it can be invasive.
  • By jathton (Oklahoma City, OK - Zone 7a) on Feb 15, 2020 9:19 PM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'White Meidiland')
    'White Meidiland' is a shrub rose that was introduced and patented by the House of Meilland in 1987. [The House of Meilland is also the source for one of the world's most popular roses... named 'Peace' at the end of World War II]
    Since its introduction it has gained a solid reputation for glossy, dark green foliage... a shape that is significantly wider than tall [2-3 feet x 4-6 feet]... pure white blooms that occur in clusters and that have a petal count of 35 or more... a long bloom season... and a tolerance of a wide range of growing conditions. It also has excellent disease resistance and will bloom in partial shade.
    Central Oklahoma has been subject to an infestation of Rose Rosette Disease in the past few years... so it should be noted that this rose, like so many others, has no known resistance to this particular disease. In areas where this particular disease is occuring gardeners should probably avoid planting this rose... or, as brutal as this sounds, any rose.
    If, however, this disease is not a problem I would strongly recommend 'White Meidiland' as a tough, attractive, floriferous rose that will not disappoint.
    [ | 4 replies ]
  • By zuzu (Northern California - Zone 9a) on Dec 20, 2019 1:35 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Garden Director Bartje Miller')
    Exciting, dramatic, and even flamboyant! Lustrous foliage, so glossy that it looks polished, encircles high-centered blooms of dark red, almost black, with a copper reverse. The blooms age to a russet-brick color that is equally striking. This hybrid tea does not have the typical upright and narrow habit of a hybrid tea in my garden. Its strong branches spread out, creating a bush that's 5-6 feet tall and 5-6 feet wide. This stunning rose does have one shortcoming: It has almost no heat resistance. During the hottest days of summer, some buds refuse to open, while the petals of the open blooms flatten out and lose their definition.
  • By zuzu (Northern California - Zone 9a) on Dec 20, 2019 1:11 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Sisters at Heart')
    This floribunda has a nice bushy habit, creating a shrub that's as wide as it is tall and covered with blooms from top to bottom. The canes are strong and sturdy. The clustered blooms, in a pleasing blend of apricot and pink, are produced in profusion and are highly fragrant. They are also remarkably heat resistant, never losing the precise arrangement of their petals even on the hottest days of summer
  • By zuzu (Northern California - Zone 9a) on Dec 20, 2019 12:59 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Heaven on Earth')
    Heaven on Earth is an interesting rose because the color of its blooms cannot be predicted. They're usually coral-orange, but sometimes they're closer to yellow or cream, and occasionally they're unmistakably pink. It's not an impressive rose bush. The canes and branches often are too weak to hold the large blooms upright.
  • By zuzu (Northern California - Zone 9a) on Dec 19, 2019 2:33 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'English Perfume')
    The patent description of English Perfume states that the rose grows to 5.5 feet tall and 3.5 feet wide at maturity and that it produces large 5-inch blooms on long stems of 18-22 inches. I suppose this must be true of the grafted variety, but the rose has been available only on its own roots for many years now. I have two own-root English Perfume bushes and they're more like mini-flora roses: 2.5 feet tall and 2 feet wide, with blooms of 2-3 inches on short stems. I'd trade them for the grafted variety in a New York minute, but in the absence of that possibility, I'll never give them up. The elegant ruffled blooms override any drawback. The colors are exquisite -- a mauve center and outer petals of a pale silvery-lavender with mauve edges. The scent is also outstanding -- the damask fragrance of antique roses.
  • By zuzu (Northern California - Zone 9a) on Dec 19, 2019 2:06 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Purple Tiger')
    Purple Tiger is legendary for its poor health. Its purple and white blooms are quite beautiful and dramatic, but the rose bush itself has many drawbacks. It is not a vigorous rose, its canes and branches are weak, and it is so vulnerable to black spot that it usually loses most of its leaves early in spring and remains almost completely defoliated for much of the season. It also seems to have a shorter lifespan than other roses, typically dying after only 6 or 7 years of life.
  • By zuzu (Northern California - Zone 9a) on Dec 19, 2019 1:48 AM concerning plant: Rose (Rosa 'Regatta')
    Regatta has been very happy in my garden for the past 20 years. It has sturdy canes climbing to about 6 feet in height and blooms of a soft coral-pink with a cream reverse. It is an amazingly undemanding rose. It's growing under a huge black walnut tree, making the most of only a couple of hours of sun each day after the tree leafs out in spring. It's one of my roses with a raspberry scent, my favorite fragrance in roses.
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