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May 16, 2022 11:09 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
Yeah, I know--super melodramatic. I'll eventually post my blooms from this year once they open here, but let me set the stage as a severe thunderstorm has interrupted my first application of beneficial nematodes to control iris borer. Yes, iris borer - that is the catastrophe part.

Last year, I had a horrible bloom season - maybe only 25% of my iris bloomed. Meanwhile, I had iris I'd had for 5 years that had never bloomed, or bloomed once and never again. Some were clearly dying out. I realized I needed more sun, but how?

It seemed that places that had previously been sunny enough had now been shaded by trees that kept growing in the meantime. But, there was a space that I could reclaim.

It had once been a raspberry patch, but was destroyed by my 3 huskies (now all passed) who were avid gardeners but with a very dystopian landscape aesthetic. This sad locale was by that time overrun with locust, sumac, Norway maple seedling, wild grape and weeds.

Starting during bloom season, I began to hack away at this - one 65 year old woman with a battery-powered sawzall, pruners - long and short, shovels, pickaxes, sweat and tears. This took quite a long time. Meanwhile, my iris had so many leaves that were turning brown. This had never happened before, but it coincided with an unseasonable heatwave in the 90s and I figured I was not watering enough because I was so engrossed and exhausted from my sun-creation project.

When I had at last gotten everything cleared, it was July and time to dig and relocate. The first shovel full revealed the horror: a massive iris borer infestation, so bad that (after reading everything I could find) there was no alternative but to dig up every single plant.

Some clumps were large enough that there were many salvageable roots, some had only a couple, in some cases very small. Some were goners, among them my dearly beloved Bravery and Starship Enterprise.

I have always used bone meal - I'm a longtime organic vegetable gardener. I never grew flowers until I moved to the northeast where water falls from the sky. I was from SoCal, and if I was going to pay a fortune for water for plants they had better be edible.

What I learned was, I was born to be flower gardener. I'd grow all these vegetables --way too many for me to eat -- and I realized that I liked growing the plants more than I cared about the produce. I had to cut my veg way back to make way for MORE and MORE iris, but I don't regret it for a minute. I'd rather feast my eyes on the beauty than my stomach on 6 squash varieties (that I'm sick of in a week because every damn thing ripens at once)

So, back to saving my iris. Robin Shadlow of Iris Sisters was good enough to impart some important info, that she digs up all her plants every year (maybe all growers do this, but I had no idea of this!!!) and replants the small roots that are too small to sell but will be bloom-size the next year. She uses a 10-10-10 fertilizer, as many here have talked about.

So I went online looking for such fertilizer: there was none in any of the stores in my small village. In the course of my search I came across a thing called Schulz Bloom Plus 10-54-10 . It had enthusiastic reviews and was economical - only a teaspoon in a gallon of water. Figured "in for a penny, in for a pound" and decided to try this heavy artillery.

I've fed all my iris twice now and the one pound box is not used up. Astonishing! This was very strange, seeing this tiny spoon of blue crystals. But it worked.

Between the sun and feeding, I've reached the point where it's easier to comment on what ISN'T sending up bloom stalks. Some that were near death have increased like gangbusters and are sending up multiple stalks!

I also read about alfalfa tea and epsom salts, so I fed that a few time over the summer too.

So that's how it started, and I'll post the pictures of how it's going. The flowers are coming!!! Stay tuned...

Hey, you've actually read all the way to here, Thank You! That was so kind of you to be interested. : Lovey dubby
Last edited by LynNY May 16, 2022 4:06 PM Icon for preview
May 16, 2022 3:03 PM CST
Name: Marilyn, aka "Poly"
South San Francisco Bay Area (Zone 9b)
"The mountains are calling..."
Region: California Daylilies Irises Vegetable Grower Moon Gardener Dog Lover
Bookworm Garden Photography Birds Pollen collector Garden Procrastinator Celebrating Gardening: 2015
LynNY said:
It had once been a raspberry patch, but was destroyed by my 3 huskies (now all passed) who were avid gardeners but with a very dystopian landscape aesthetic.

This, right here, is priceless. Hilarious!

(Well, apart from the sad loss of the gardeners. Sad )

Dogs and gardens... Rolling my eyes.
Evaluating an iris seedling, hopefully for rebloom
May 16, 2022 3:08 PM CST
Name: Daisy
close to Baltimore, MD (Zone 7a)
Amaryllis Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: Maryland Peonies Organic Gardener Irises
Herbs Hellebores Growing under artificial light Container Gardener Cat Lover Garden Photography
I agree This passage was so good that I had to read it aloud to Hubby. Lyn, you have quite a way with words!
-"If I can’t drain a swamp, I’ll go pull some weeds." - Charles Williams
May 16, 2022 4:05 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
Thanks for the comments, gals! *Blush* So glad you were entertained. My three gardeners had a special idea about my clematis collection too. They serially peed on a plant: 1, 2, 3 and again, 1, 2, 3 until they killed it --- then proceeded to the next one. Only the ones in the front yard outside the fence survived Sighing!
May 17, 2022 9:20 AM CST
Name: Lilli
Lundby, Denmark, EU
Irises Roses Bulbs Hellebores Foliage Fan Cottage Gardener
Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Seed Starter Winter Sowing Bee Lover Dog Lover Region: Europe
"...avid gardeners but with a very dystopian landscape aesthetic."

Oh! So that is what our dog has! I was wondering... Hilarious!
Of course I talk to myself; sometimes I need expert advice!
May 17, 2022 8:59 PM CST
Name: daphne
san diego county, ca (Zone 10a)
Vermiculture Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Hilarious! Hilarious!
May 18, 2022 6:40 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
This post is really just for my own use. I wish the database had a section for general notes. You can make them for each plant, but I want a space to make a general comment about a whole growing year.

Iris not blooming so far:
Dark Universe (NB - moved to best place - slow grower I guess. Want to see this so bad, like more than any other thing because this might be the only iris I could love more than Volcanic Glow)
Reckless Abandon (borer)
Illuminati (planted 2020 - moved 2021 - NB)
Captain Thunderbolt (planted years ago - moved 2021 NB)
Mood Ring (borer)
Magical (borer)
Royalty Remembered (planted 2021 - growing well)
Adriatic Waves (planted 2021 - growing well)
Mystic Art (planted 2021 - slow grower)
Blushing Doll (planted 2021 - slow grower)
Sweet Talker (planted 2021 - slow grower)
Coal Seams (borer)
Rainbow High (borer plus poor grower -moved 2021 NB)
Social Graces (SNAFU - needs pot hospital)
Royal Majesty (borer)
Good Looking (borer)
Barbara My Love (bad location)
Belle Fille (new 2021)
Blue My Mind (borer)
Brass Lamp (new 2021)
Crimson Lights (borer)
Dialect (SNAFU - in pot hospital)
Feature Attraction (borer)
Flirtini (NB bad location)
Kiss the Princess (new 2021)
Oil Painting (borer)
Painted Love (SNAFU - in pot hospital)
Passionista (new 2021)
Sea Power (borer)
Shadows of Night (new 2021)
Truth or Dare (new 2021)
Vienna Waltz (SNAFU - in pot hospital)
Water Waltz (borer)
Last edited by LynNY May 18, 2022 9:06 AM Icon for preview
May 18, 2022 7:58 AM CST
Name: Lilli
Lundby, Denmark, EU
Irises Roses Bulbs Hellebores Foliage Fan Cottage Gardener
Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Seed Starter Winter Sowing Bee Lover Dog Lover Region: Europe
Oh! Hope Magical blooms for you. It really is... well, you know... Thumbs up
Of course I talk to myself; sometimes I need expert advice!
May 18, 2022 8:55 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
I know! It bloomed for me once, years ago, then became unhappy. It's in a new place that I hope it will enjoy after recovering from the iris borer attack. The recalcitrant Sergey, that escaped borer attack but had never bloomed (planted 3 years ago) so loves his new location that he is now sending up many bloom stalks - almost too many for his size but there are some non-blooming fans on him for the future.

IrisLilli said: Oh! Hope Magical blooms for you. It really is... well, you know... Thumbs up
May 18, 2022 10:52 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
Today, a few iris are showing color at the tips of the buds: Montmartre (A first bloom for me though I've had it for years)
High Master (not surprising - this iris is always early and has bloomed every year, shade, borers and all - and I love it.)
Honeycomb (another first time bloomer though I had it for years )
Tainted Love (not surprising - an early iris)

I had to dig up and replant so quickly due to the borer emergency, that I'm not convinced everything is labeled correctly. Because so many iris did not bloom last year, in some cases it was hard to know where one clump ended and another began. Something else is showing color, but I'm not sure it is what the label says.

A mystery ???
May 18, 2022 11:30 AM CST
Name: Elsa
Las Cruces, New Mexico (Zone 8a)
Dog Lover Irises Region: New Mexico Region: Southwest Gardening Region: United States of America
Lyn: Such a story of hope!!! What you could do if you wanted to add what hasn't bloomed is create a list of your irises on this site and then add a category for 2022 No bloom. Then remove the category from each Iris that blooms. You can look at my list. For the last three years I have kept a different category like 2021 Bloom, 2022 Bloom etc. But doing the opposite will work as well.
If you think there is no more beauty left in the world...Plant a garden!!!
May 18, 2022 12:02 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
Elsa, thanks so much for this tech support! I did not know you could add categories.

GreenIris said: Lyn: Such a story of hope!!! What you could do if you wanted to add what hasn't bloomed is create a list of your irises on this site and then add a category for 2022 No bloom. Then remove the category from each Iris that blooms. You can look at my list. For the last three years I have kept a different category like 2021 Bloom, 2022 Bloom etc. But doing the opposite will work as well.
May 18, 2022 7:31 PM CST
Name: Derylin
Louisville ,Kentucky (Zone 6b)
Amaryllis Vegetable Grower Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Peonies Irises Houseplants
Hibiscus Herbs Dog Lover Daylilies Cat Lover Region: Kentucky
I had 2 iris that both took 8 years to bloom a few years back.With over 400 iris I completely forgot about them.SO- there is always hope.One of these has bloomed 3 years in a row now.
Last edited by KyDeltaD May 18, 2022 7:32 PM Icon for preview
May 18, 2022 9:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
Derylin, I'm dying with curiosity to know which the two iris were!

KyDeltaD said: Lyn,
I had 2 iris that both took 8 years to bloom a few years back.With over 400 iris I completely forgot about them.SO- there is always hope.One of these has bloomed 3 years in a row now.
May 19, 2022 1:18 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
I just want to let everyone know, that when you are posting your photos of gorgeous fully open flowers, that having a picture of an unopened or partially opened bud can be super helpful when you've dug up your entire iris garden in a frantic rush to seek and destroy iris borers.

Somehow, there's a stranger among the fans of Montmartre -that is lacking the distinctive purple tinge to the bud casing (I'm sure that's not the proper horticultural term). An interloper of some sort is among them. I'm finding things got mixed up more than I imagined.

Princesse Caroline seems to have gotten mixed up with Rainbow Goddess - I can see how that happened. But the Princesse may mix herself up wherever she likes. I so love that iris, even with all the beautiful bubbly sky blues nowadays - I love her to pieces even though she is only ruffled. The flower is the size of my hand, and the orange beards are a wonderful contrast. The first time she opened in my garden I was flabbergasted. The description says, "pure light blue" and she is pure light blue.

At the time, I had recently discovered iris I was mostly focused on the wild colors and patterns and a "self" seemed so boring - reminiscent of the lavender and yellow iris that are in yards around here that have been there from someone's grandma's day. But for some reason I bought the Princesse, figuring that the eye needed a break, a place to relax, in between the visual drama. And she opened, and there was a drama all of its own.

So far, High Master looks to be winning the derby, with Montmartre behind him by a length. Home stretch now - something will be open by tomorrow morning.
May 19, 2022 7:27 PM CST
Name: Derylin
Louisville ,Kentucky (Zone 6b)
Amaryllis Vegetable Grower Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Peonies Irises Houseplants
Hibiscus Herbs Dog Lover Daylilies Cat Lover Region: Kentucky
Lyn ,
The 2 that took 8 years to bloom were 'Tour de France' and the other 'Better Together'.
Avatar for caitlinsgarden
May 20, 2022 10:00 AM CST
Name: Sharon
McGregor IA (Zone 4b)
LynNY said: I just want to let everyone know, that when you are posting your photos of gorgeous fully open flowers, that having a picture of an unopened or partially opened bud can be super helpful when you've dug up your entire iris garden in a frantic rush to seek and destroy iris borers.

Somehow, there's a stranger among the fans of Montmartre -that is lacking the distinctive purple tinge to the bud casing (I'm sure that's not the proper horticultural term). An interloper of some sort is among them. I'm finding things got mixed up more than I imagined.

Princesse Caroline seems to have gotten mixed up with Rainbow Goddess - I can see how that happened. But the Princesse may mix herself up wherever she likes. I so love that iris, even with all the beautiful bubbly sky blues nowadays - I love her to pieces even though she is only ruffled. The flower is the size of my hand, and the orange beards are a wonderful contrast. The first time she opened in my garden I was flabbergasted. The description says, "pure light blue" and she is pure light blue.

At the time, I had recently discovered iris I was mostly focused on the wild colors and patterns and a "self" seemed so boring - reminiscent of the lavender and yellow iris that are in yards around here that have been there from someone's grandma's day. But for some reason I bought the Princesse, figuring that the eye needed a break, a place to relax, in between the visual drama. And she opened, and there was a drama all of its own.

So far, High Master looks to be winning the derby, with Montmartre behind him by a length. Home stretch now - something will be open by tomorrow morning.

Alas I know your iris catastrophe well, having done the same borer cleanout. How do you propose to shield your new iris from this foe? I had good luck with"Merit" until I realized that I didn't want to use anything harmful to pollinators. The alternate methods of control : pinch out the baby borers at the bottom of the leafstalk in the spring etc. led to near total garden burnout for me. I have some widespread iris that seen to have been too far off the beaten path for the borer moths to fly when they had hundreds to feast on without leaving the neighborhood!
May 20, 2022 1:25 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower

I'm trying beneficial nematodes.
May 23, 2022 6:36 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
Montmartre - after five years of waiting
Thumb of 2022-05-23/LynNY/869cf5

and for reference, its parent High Master
Thumb of 2022-05-23/LynNY/e43dbc

and for fun, a bud of Princesse Caroline de Monaco
May 23, 2022 8:37 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn Gerry
Watkins Glen, NY (Zone 6a)
Birds Irises Keeps Horses Cat Lover Clematis Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Permaculture Vegetable Grower
I should have been sitting in the garden staring at the flowers. I went inside for an hour and a bud of Designer's Art went from closed to fully open.

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  • Started by: LynNY
  • Replies: 51, views: 1,232
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