Jan 16, 2021 3:16 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dnd
SE Michigan (Zone 6a)
Daylilies Dog Lover Houseplants Organic Gardener I helped beta test the first seed swap Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Garden Ideas: Level 2
Have questions about the seeds someone else is offering? Here is the place to discuss it! Or maybe you just wanted to comment on or post example pictures of some seeds that have been listed? You can do that here, too! (Note, if you want to post a picture for one of your own listings, the best place to do that is in the listing so that people see it as they are bidding, but it never hurts to generate some pre-interest here, as well!)

This is not the place to post your seed wishlist.

You can post them here, but the thread that is set up and designed for your wishlists is the "Desired Seeds" thread. That is where people will go to get an idea for which seeds are desired, so anything posted here might get buried, might not be seen by the 'right' person (who has your desired seeds), or might not be seen in a timely manner.
Aug 26, 2021 6:27 AM CST
Name: Sydney
Eastern Kentucky (Zone 6b)
Okay, I need advice related to the seeds I'm offering. This may not be the correct place for this, but I figured it was more seed discussion than general chat.

I recently moved from N. Alabama to Eastern Kentucky. In that move, some boxes were mixed up and my whole seed stash ended up locked in a hot car for a day. The temperature outside was most likely 80-90 degrees. I don't feel comfortable offering those seeds without getting advice.

Is it okay to offer those seeds if I make a note? I would like to do a germination test on some varieties, but with some I may not have enough to offer after the germination test (before growing for seed next year). I have some new seeds coming, and some that were in a different box that did not get left in a hot car. If you were me, would you only offer those that had not been exposed to the heat?

I'm pretty upset, as I had some very cool varieties I was looking forward to growing and sharing. Especially now that we are in an actual house with space to grow, and I am no longer confined to a tiny balcony in an apartment. Moving, and the feeling of defeat from a simple mix-up is why I have not been very active, or updating my offering list.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Aug 27, 2021 4:24 AM CST
Name: Val
Near Boston, MA (Zone 6a)
Personally, I probably wouldn't offer the seeds because outside temps of 80-90 are alot hotter in an enclosed car unless you did a germination test. However, if they were really unusual/not common you make a note on the listings, each participant can make up their own mind. Last year one participant did list some seeds that "might have been exposed to high humidity". I bid on some of those because of what they were, so I would say if you can do a germination test, that'd be SUPER. If not, and you really want to offer them, a note would be suitable. But that's also the beauty of DnD's swap is that you dont have to have a ton of seeds to offer in order to participate.

Moving is a whole other can of worms, and ALOT of work. I'm sorry your seeds were packed in a hot car....but things like that definitely happen during moves. Hope you're settled in!
Aug 27, 2021 8:46 AM CST
Name: Sydney
Eastern Kentucky (Zone 6b)
Thank you so much for the advice, I know for sure there are some varieties I will be able to do germination tests on. I'll make notes on those that I do offer that they were exposed to high heat, and what the germination test results were. I think I may leave off the ones I cannot do testing on this year, try to grow them out and offer the collected seeds in next year's swap. I just would feel bad if someone was excited about a variety they received, and then nothing would germinate from the pack. I'll be deleting my swap list for now, until testing is complete. Thank you again!!

We're still unpacking, painting, and doing home improvements. Our goal is to have everything finished by the middle of next month, but you know how that goes.
Aug 28, 2021 3:49 AM CST
Name: Val
Near Boston, MA (Zone 6a)
That sounds like a good plan! Good luck on settling in and getting all the immediate home improvements done as you's so nice to be done with that initial unpacking/fixing!
Aug 28, 2021 12:01 PM CST
(Zone 7a)
Butterflies Bulbs Critters Allowed Frugal Gardener Peppers Region: Maryland
I would generally agree with Val, and add that there are additional variables to consider as well. Seeds in general start to accumulate genetic damage at about 98*F, but clearly don't just die immediately since we have weather hotter than this and still have viable seeds producing through these spells.

How were the seeds packed? If they were insulated in something like boxes inside boxes of cardboard or any newspaper involved, they'll be better off than if they were sitting in the sun. Were they buried in other things? Were they in a separate trunk? You could test the conditions by trying to replicate and putting in a thermometer in morning and checking around 2pm for max temps.

The age of seed and type of plant matters too. Old seed will be farther along the tail end of the germination rate curve already and so will be more likely to die in this situation. Newer seed holds up better. Something that evolved to deal with desert heat might be longer to take damage. Bigger seeds might hold up better for more thermal mass, and take longer to 'cook' for all I know.

How hot does your car get? Interior matters; mine is dark blue and it gets hot enough in there I have used it as a passive solar food dryer @165*F with the windows cracked facing south. 175*F with windows up. If your car has light colors inside, it won't get quite that hot. If it is black leather, it will get hotter. If it was facing east/west or north and you have a smaller rear window, it won't take as much thermal energy as it could have.

How long were they in there? From solar food drying I can tell you it's really from about noon to 3pm that are the hottest and temps can be double digits outside that period pretty quickly where I am. I still had seeds grow from tomatoes I sundried this way. If you didn't end up with popcorn in your seed bags, there is hope. If you are in Phoenix though, RIP roasted seeds.
Aug 30, 2021 7:30 PM CST
Name: Hammer O'Justice
northwestern Ohio (Zone 6a)
I'd also agree with Val.

My seed selection will be lower too since I also moved during the growing season, but I'll be doing my best to harvest from the fruit/veggies I brought back with me.

"Excuses are tools of incompetence used to build monuments of nothingness and those who use them seldom amount to anything." Miss Moss, Brandon Tatum's 5th grade teacher...
Sep 18, 2021 7:44 PM CST
Name: Julie
Seattle (Zone 8a)
Bee Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Region: Pacific Northwest
plasko20 said:
Petunia - Night Sky (any color)

@plasko20 Just in case you or anyone else are tempted to buy these seeds from eBay or Amazon sellers, Night Sky is a fairly new hybrid cultivar that is propagated by cutting only.

I know I occasionally toss a seed packet into my cart based on seeing someone here wanted it so I just wanted to put that out there. But if anyone's plants produced seeds it's fun to see what comes up from that :D

In other news! Most of my seed collection has aged and not been refreshed while I've been extra sick but after perusing wish lists I see a lot of them are in 'demand'. So my question:

What's the oldest seeds you'd 'bid' on, for flowers with an 'average' seed lifespan (as in, we know it's not super short like onions) of maybe 3-5 years? I can't bear to throw seeds away, so if they're older I just plant more of them and soak them in seaweed extract. Or when trading, put more in the packet I make up.

So far, I've never gone wrong with old seeds and seaweed extract! But I do also store all my seeds in very cold, dark, dry places Big Grin (The bizarre Fridge Debacle of 2020 has resulted in an unnatural number of refrigerators in my house.)

Anyway, I wanted to do an informal poll just so I have a better idea of the general comfort level so I can be most efficient in seed packet making :D

And finally!

I have been toying with the idea of stratifying seeds in sterile (non nutritive) agar in quarter-sized coin capsules, and if anyone would be interested in bidding on experimental pre-stratified seeds. It's got risk but it might work and could be fun.

(I'm always on some new harebrained scheme to stratify seeds in a way that accommodates my clumsy fingers and my inability to leave well enough alone when it comes to water.)

Hoping I'll also have fresh sinningia helleri and sinningia gesneriifolia seeds this year! And I collected seeds from my gigantic tulips, as well as berries from my equally enormous lily of the valley. Hoping I waited long enough for those to ripen. I have drosera spatulata flowers blooming now too and am hovering over them with vellum envelopes like a weirdo.

I love seed collection season. ♥️
Sep 19, 2021 8:16 AM CST
Name: Hammer O'Justice
northwestern Ohio (Zone 6a)
I think old seeds are ok especially if you identify that and maybe make it a larger offering for any decreased seed viability. Just my 2 cents
"Excuses are tools of incompetence used to build monuments of nothingness and those who use them seldom amount to anything." Miss Moss, Brandon Tatum's 5th grade teacher...
Sep 19, 2021 8:25 AM CST
Name: Diana
Southeast Missouri (Zone 6a)
Cat Lover Vegetable Grower Enjoys or suffers hot summers Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: Missouri Irises
Canning and food preservation Hibiscus Dog Lover Daylilies Enjoys or suffers cold winters
I agree
Avatar for Jlee160
Sep 19, 2021 7:30 PM CST

I agree- I am the same way- can't bear to toss them! I grew 12 year old tomatoes this year:) Dora.
Sep 20, 2021 2:19 AM CST
Name: Julie
Seattle (Zone 8a)
Bee Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Region: Pacific Northwest
Same, @Jlee160. I can't actually remember how old that packet of tomatoes was - I do remember buying it BEFORE I had a garden because I'm silly. That was at least ten years ago I think...but it was my favorite variety and they were the last seeds in the package so in they went! 100% germination with that magic seaweed. Enough to spare a plant for the neighbor!

Bless having crisper drawers and an ADHD husband; you can't put vegetables in the drawers, they'll all go bad since he won't see them. But you can put seeds in there, and he'll never notice the pile getting ever bigger! Hilarious!
Sep 20, 2021 10:38 AM CST
Name: Diana
Southeast Missouri (Zone 6a)
Cat Lover Vegetable Grower Enjoys or suffers hot summers Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: Missouri Irises
Canning and food preservation Hibiscus Dog Lover Daylilies Enjoys or suffers cold winters
I'm glad to hear us ADHD people can be good for something! Rolling on the floor laughing I wonder if my husband is hiding something obvious from me without really having to try. Thinking Hilarious!
Sep 20, 2021 2:29 PM CST
Name: Julie
Seattle (Zone 8a)
Bee Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Region: Pacific Northwest
Bahaha check your crisper drawers regularly! 😂
Sep 21, 2021 9:04 AM CST
(Zone 7a)
Butterflies Bulbs Critters Allowed Frugal Gardener Peppers Region: Maryland
@Jlee160 Might as well offer old seed for a 'last call' if anybody wants them. I also offer old seed sometimes if nobody else has the same thing or if it is relatively rare. Last year, I had ancient bitter melon seeds I actually fished back out of my to-the-compost bucket because it turned out so many people were wanting them and nobody had any on offer at that point. Someone bid on them even though they were old as dirt and fully disclosed as such.

Anybody else blown away by the fact we already have 120 separate line items for tomato offerings? Lovey dubby
Sep 21, 2021 8:15 PM CST
Name: Karen
Colorado (Zone 5b)
phakewishard said:
I recently moved from N. Alabama to Eastern Kentucky. In that move, some boxes were mixed up and my whole seed stash ended up locked in a hot car for a day. The temperature outside was most likely 80-90 degrees. I don't feel comfortable offering those seeds without getting advice.

Is it okay to offer those seeds if I make a note?

Unless you have some super sensitive seeds they will be fine. Go ahead and offer them, but do note that they were in the car for the day, that way anyone who doesn't want to try them can opt out.

I have recently done a seed sprouting test - a re-do from one I did a few years ago using the same seeds. The seeds are over 20 years old and have been stored in a metal storage unit - no climate control, or an un-insulated garage, for more than 10 of those years. Most of them sprouted just fine, only had a bit of trouble with the Chinese cabbage, but even some of them still sprouted. When I get the video edited - new at that, taking a long time, I'll share the link.
Sep 22, 2021 10:40 AM CST
Name: Orion
Boston, MA (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Birds Butterflies Daylilies Dragonflies Foliage Fan
Lilies Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
I just read the rules and this part: "..send them in, along with your fee/payment .." is what stood out to me, with a raised eyebrow. Blinking
What is the fee (a specific value would be good), and what is it for? Confused

Many thanks.
Gardening: So exciting I wet my plants!
Sep 22, 2021 11:14 AM CST
Name: Hammer O'Justice
northwestern Ohio (Zone 6a)
plasko20 said:I just read the rules and this part: "..send them in, along with your fee/payment .." is what stood out to me, with a raised eyebrow. Blinking
What is the fee (a specific value would be good), and what is it for? Confused

Many thanks.

It's explained in FAQ section, but basically, it is to cover the shipping on the return leg. Some include extra as a thanks to the host for all the work involved
"Excuses are tools of incompetence used to build monuments of nothingness and those who use them seldom amount to anything." Miss Moss, Brandon Tatum's 5th grade teacher...
Sep 22, 2021 12:44 PM CST
Name: Orion
Boston, MA (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Birds Butterflies Daylilies Dragonflies Foliage Fan
Lilies Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
I see. I figured it would be something like that. Thumbs up
I must have missed the explanation in the FAQ section. I did read it but skimmed more than reading in-depth.
Gardening: So exciting I wet my plants!
Sep 22, 2021 3:10 PM CST
Name: Julie
Seattle (Zone 8a)
Bee Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Region: Pacific Northwest
And, though this probably belongs more in the general discussion but it got brought up here, if anyone wants to participate but feels they can't due to the fee, treemail me.

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