General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Cactus/Succulent
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 9a -6.7 °C (20 °F) to -3.9 °C (25 °F)
Fruit: Dehiscent
Flowers: Showy
Flower Color: Pink
Bloom Size: 1"-2"
Flower Time: Summer
Suitable Locations: Xeriscapic
Uses: Will Naturalize
Wildlife Attractant: Bees
Resistances: Drought tolerant
Pollinators: Bees
Containers: Needs excellent drainage in pots
Miscellaneous: With thorns/spines/prickles/teeth
Conservation status: Vulnerable (VU)

Conservation status:
Conservation status: Vulnerable
Common names
  • Ferocactus
  • Biznaga

Photo Gallery
Location: Baja California
Date: 2024-07-24
Hooked spines, tuberculate ribs
Location: Baja California
Date: 2024-07-16
Top 2 are F. viridescens (ribs may lack tubercles, spines not hoo
  • Posted by Baja_Costero (Baja California - Zone 11b) on Oct 21, 2019 5:39 PM concerning plant:
    Baja California endemic barrel cactus from the Pacific coast with pink or purplish flowers. May reach about 10 inches in diameter. About 21 ribs. 4 flat, banded central spines in a cross arrangement, the upper 3 straight and the lower 1 longer, downward pointing, and curved. About 17 radial spines, the upper 2 thicker than the rest.

    Looks very similar to F. viridescens, found to its north along the same coast, but easily resolved based on flower color (pink/purple, not yellow). When not in bloom, spines and ribs may be informative. F. viridescens has curved but not hooked central spines and its ribs may lack tubercles. F. fordii has curved or hooked central spines and tuberculate ribs.

    Ferocactus (Ferocactus fordii subsp. borealis) occupies territory to the north of the type Ferocactus (Ferocactus fordii subsp. fordii). Plants sold as F. fordii grandiflorus may actually be that peninsular subspecies of F. chrysacanthus (which has reddish orange flowers).

    Uncommon in cultivation and vulnerable in nature. Provide strong light and excellent drainage. This plant may flower at a relatively small size.

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