Member Ideas

Welcome to the Member Ideas area! This community feature is where our members can post their own ideas. These posts are unedited and not necessarily endorsed by the National Gardening Association.

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Barrel cacti of the US and MexicoBarrel cacti of the US and Mexico
By Baja_Costero on September 3, 2024

These big balls of succulence, surrounded and defended by fierce spines, are fascinating living sculptures and a vivid example of adaptations for dry growing. In this photographic review of selected North American barrel cacti, I will describe some common and colorful plants, and explain the latest changes in names.

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Aeoniums in CultivationAeoniums in Cultivation
By Castello_decorum on August 19, 2024

The Aeonium genus comprises of roughly thirty-five species, and countless horticultural and natural hybrids. Most species are endemic to the Canary and Cape Verde Islands, with a few from Morocco, Yemen, and East Africa. This is a guide to some of the most common Aeoniums in cultivation.

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Grow Parthenocarpic Cucumbers for a Disease-Free HarvestGrow Parthenocarpic Cucumbers for a Disease-Free Harvest
By critterologist on July 11, 2024

Parthenocarpic is a technical term for "no pollinator needed." Parthenocarpic cucumbers can be grown in a greenhouse or even indoors. To protect them from pests and diseases, they also can be grown outside under a tulle row cover.

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One way to recycle an old greenhouseOne way to recycle an old greenhouse
By adknative on June 17, 2024

What do you do with an old greenhouse when the canvas has begun to rot away and it's no longer a functioning greenhouse? (When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.) So I made a 'new' trellis from the old frame.

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Tulle: perfect summer crop cover!Tulle: perfect summer crop cover!
By critterologist on July 13, 2023

Viruses in your vine crops? Beetles in your broccoli? Birds in the blueberries? Tulle could be the row cover you've been looking for.

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Reasons a Daylily May Not Look Like Its Picture (What are you taking the picture with?)Reasons a Daylily May Not Look Like Its Picture (What are you taking the picture with?)
By adknative on April 23, 2023

We've all seen the posts: 'Why doesn't my daylily look like... (other pictures of the same daylily)...?' Well, it really could be your camera ... or, on your cell phone: it could be your camera app!

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'New Plant' Survival Over Winter (When you don't have a bed ready to plant into)'New Plant' Survival Over Winter (When you don't have a bed ready to plant into)
By adknative on April 11, 2023

Anyone else ever buy a new plant 'too late' in the season ... but you don't have a garden bed ready to put it in, or you are not sure (yet) where its new home should be? That would be me...

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Fun Garden Art to Make With Children!Fun Garden Art to Make With Children!
By beckygardener on July 18, 2022

Need some easy garden art projects to do with your children or grandkids? These two easy projects will delight them! They can use their imagination and come up with some great face pot and miniature gardens in a glass ideas!

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Looking in the windows: A few HaworthiasLooking in the windows: A few Haworthias
By Baja_Costero on May 25, 2022

Few small succulents attract the eye and reward close inspection better than the windowed Haworthias.

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Some Commonly Confused Succulents, and How To Properly Identify ThemSome Commonly Confused Succulents, and How To Properly Identify Them
By Aeonium2003 on April 29, 2022

I write this as a guide to identifying succulents that are often confused with each other. This is intended to be a reference when commenting on misidentified succulents in the plant photos database. Misidentification among succulents is prevalent due to the sheer number of similar looking species and hybrids. It is common even among well-known nurseries, which may sell misidentified plants.

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Yes! You Can Start Seeds in a Zone 6a Coldframe in the Middle of WinterYes! You Can Start Seeds in a Zone 6a Coldframe in the Middle of Winter
By jewlgurl on February 8, 2022

Late Dec - Early Jan seed sowing. How to make a winter cold frame garden succeed.

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Fall is a great time to start a new garden area for spring - without having to dig up the grassFall is a great time to start a new garden area for spring - without having to dig up the grass
By purpleinopp on October 28, 2021

All you need are a few basic items, most of which you may be able to gather for free, like some discarded cardboard boxes, some mulch and/or other organic matter, and an hour or two of your time. Adding the border of your choice is optional.

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Watermark Woods: Growing NativeWatermark Woods: Growing Native
By critterologist on August 23, 2021

Discover THE native plant destination for mid-Atlantic gardeners.

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Staying Hydrated While Working in the GardensStaying Hydrated While Working in the Gardens
By bloominholes2fill on July 14, 2021

Strenuous activity in extreme heat and humidity can definitely lead to serious health problems. "Remember to drink plenty of water," Mom used to say, each early morning, before my siblings and I left for high school band camp, but really, how much is enough water to stay out of the ER? 🤷

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By melrkersley on July 10, 2021

My idea for recycling a left over part of a broken sola light!

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Free recycled plant-potsFree recycled plant-pots
By Serpent on July 7, 2021

Refuse - can't always, nearly everything comes from a factory in plastic containers! Recycle - sure, but you don't know whether it actually is recycled, or at what cost. Reuse - Bingo!

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My Passion in the Garden, Take a PeekMy Passion in the Garden, Take a Peek
By nativeplantlover on June 23, 2021

You love your garden in bloom right now, don't you? Me too. It's heartwarming to know that so many people have an inborn love of botanical nature! The NGA hosts some positively amazing photographs! With hundreds of thousands of pictures to peruse, our joy in nature is clearly evident.

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Some annuals are great houseplants, some can be saved over winterSome annuals are great houseplants, some can be saved over winter
By purpleinopp on April 30, 2021

A lot of plants sold in the "annuals" section at stores are perennials that can't survive year-round outside where they are sold, so they are referred to as annuals to avoid any unrealistic expectations. Perennial plants have a range of hardiness zones, which can be easily checked if you're curious about a particular plant.

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Easy Propagation Station IdeaEasy Propagation Station Idea
By Kathy547 on December 22, 2020

Make a simple and cheap propagation station for all of your water-based cuttings.

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The Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)The Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)
By Baja_Costero on August 18, 2020

The ponytail palm is one of the most common succulent trees in cultivation. Its interesting form and ease of care make it an excellent house plant or patio plant, given good drainage and lots of light.

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Light and Darkness in Our EnvironmentLight and Darkness in Our Environment
By nativeplantlover on July 4, 2020

Can we discuss LIGHT? -Not natural sunlight or how much you need or don't need for plants to grow properly, but the light that we as humans beings generate, especially in the last 50 years or so. Could you take a moment to think over your relationship with light in your gardens and on your property?

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Filling Holes/Cavities in TreesFilling Holes/Cavities in Trees
By cwhitt on June 24, 2020

Is it possible to save or prolong the life of a tree with holes or cavities in it? YES, it is!

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Cheat Sempervivum GravelCheat Sempervivum Gravel
By Johannian on June 23, 2020

Especially during quarantine, people (at least where I am, in CA) haven't really been able to get to garden centers/nurseries. This was a big deal for me when I got my first sempervivums, because they need a certain type of gravel on top of the soil in order for the leaves not to rot. How did I manage without being able to get the special gravel?

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Plumbing Tools for GardeningPlumbing Tools for Gardening
By ShadyGreenThumb on May 30, 2020

Let's think outside of the box. I love using things for other than their original purpose. A pipe cutter can be used to cut branches just as easily as it cuts pipes into pieces.

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Vegetable Victory Garden Webinar by Charlie NardozziVegetable Victory Garden Webinar by Charlie Nardozzi
By dave on April 22, 2020

In honor of Earth Day, and to support those new gardeners trying vegetable gardening for the first time due to the pandemic, Charlie is offering this free 1-hour long webinar all about the basics of vegetable gardening. It includes information on siting the garden, soil, vegetable varieties, planting schemes, maintenance, and more.

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