I would imagine the paint would wear off with use, but Amazon sells a paint that is supposed to actually work. But it's not cheap! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BD63C8W/
You could just paint the edges of the stones, too, which might also look interesting.
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
I bought a can of glow in the dark paint a while back. I haven't tried it, but I'll paint some rocks or stepping stones just to see how it holds up. I love the idea of a lighted path at night, but in the daytime it would look normal.
This is not a picture of glow in the dark painted pavers. It has been claimed by a photograher who says he used a normal paved walkway , special lighting tricks and photoshop.
Researching I found that the glow in the dark paints such as Rustoleum's are not for exterior use and a whole lot of people have posted on their blogs that it didn't work anyway.
There are a lot of other options listed as glow in the dark pigments, but they are intended for use in small plastic molds, not large surfaces. The same applies to the pictures of the "glow in the dark" planters that are all over Pinterest.
I am still trying to discover something...anything that would actually work. So far this is the best option I have found for DIY. But it uses glass bricks and led lights. http://www.handimania.com/diy/...
And this looks promising, but I don't know if it is available outside of the UK yet.
Name: James Anacortes, WA (Zone 8b) (Heat zone - 1, Sunset zone - 5)
I tried the rustolium and one other brand from home depot. Neither one of them worked. I fell for one of those pinterest glow in the dark pot posts and just had to have one. I even primed the pots first with white, and then did 3 layers. I will say that the rustolium slightly worked, but only very faintly and on the outer rim of the pot only, and it faded very quickly once the Sun was down. If anyone finds anything, please let us all know!
I am not an early bird or a night owl--I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon
I have tried a couple glow-in-the-dark craft paints and they didn't perform the way I thought they should either. At best, they glowed for a few seconds after the light was turned out.
Bev WalkersWayWeeds.com It's all about recycling the WEEDS of our daily life!
That was my experience too. I tried the Rustoleum one on a rock and a stepping stone. It was so faint as to be worthless and I did multiple coats too.
There is glow in the dark ceramic tile. I used it on my husbands Astronomical Observatory sign. I made a Kokopelli and a comet in the glow tile. It works very well, and stays bright most of the night. It has been up a few years now and is still going strong. This tile would be wonderful to use in a bathroom. You'd never need to turn on a light!