Cruddy's profile

Thumb of 2013-05-22/Cruddy/33359c

Cruddy's badges:
Birds Hummingbirder Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Sempervivums Sedums Daylilies Dog Lover Butterflies Ponds

Some info about Cruddy:
  • Joined on February 11, 2013
  • Name: Toney
  • Location: Tracy CA
  • USDA Zone: 9a
  • Interests: Basketball, gardening, helping others with legal issues, Cisco technologies
  • Thumbs-ups: 45 received, 4 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 0 received, 0 given.
  • Cruddy's Plant List
    There are 5 plants in Cruddy's plant list.