SuperHappyCamper's profile

SuperHappyCamper's infobox
Fascinated with Gardenias, hostas, vintage cast iron cookware, sourdough bread, and the complexities of life in general.

Thumb of 2021-09-10/SuperHappyCamper/cc8238

Some info about SuperHappyCamper:
  • Joined on September 7, 2021
  • Name: Ron Wolcott
  • Location: Marietta, GA
  • USDA Zone: 7b
  • Birthday: August 8
  • Thumbs-ups: 844 received, 9,876 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 9 received, 8 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 38
  • SuperHappyCamper's Blog
    SuperHappyCamper's blog was last updated on Feb 18, 2022 6:07 AM.

    Click here to read it.

    SuperHappyCamper's Plant List
    There are 1,734 plants in SuperHappyCamper's plant list.
    Trees: 32 plants
    GARDENIAS: 12 plants
    Amaryllis: 9 plants
    Edibles: 21 plants
    Grasses: 8 plants
    Tender: 9 plants
    Ferns: 12 plants
    Weedy: 6 plants
    Annuals: 2 plants
    Vines: 8 plants
    Bulbs: 17 plants
    Shrubs: 83 plants
    Perennials: 163 plants
    Succulents: 7 plants
    Houseplant: 29 plants
    Hostas: 45 plants
    Native: 335 plants
    Daylilies: 31 plants
    Daisies: 6 plants
    Biennial: 1 plant

    SuperHappyCamper recommends
    Busy B Plant Supply







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