By Dave Whitinger

Uploaded by Mike
#1: Roses (Rosa)

@Mindy03 says, "Honey bees get pollen from this plant. Single flowered varieties are best."

@Newyorkrita added, "Roses, I love roses. All colors and shapes and sizes. Small single roses to thickly shaped old garden look-alikes. I grow some hybrid teas, but mostly I grow floribundas and shrub roses."
Uploaded by ARUBA1334
#2: Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

@Sharon says, "This is a lovely early spring bloom in Kentucky. They dot the hillsides with their deep rosy color. The black seedpods of fall create quite a show too, and you'll need to watch out for multiple seedlings if the pods are left where they fall.

Cercis species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species."
Uploaded by virginiarose
#3: Rose (Rosa 'Double Knock Out')

@ssgardener says, "I have this in afternoon sun, maybe 4-5 hours of direct sun. It blooms beautifully, right up until a hard freeze in November.

Last year the blooms were so heavy and numerous that they flopped over. I don't know whether it's related to not getting full sun, or my poor pruning job in the spring. No more flopping after that first very heavy flush of blooming.

This is truly a carefree rose. They got a little bit of powdery mildew and black spot during mid-summer heat, but they recovered on their own without being treated. There was a bit of Japanese beetle damage, but no treatment needed for that, either. I give them a little osmocote in the spring and mulch with leaf mold and coffee grounds."
Uploaded by larryr
#4: Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla Endless Summer® The Original)

@kqcrna says, "My Endless Summer hydrangeas bloom heavily in early summer, and sporadically through summer they produce occasional flowers. Hydrangea blossom color is blue in acidic soil, pink in alkaline soil, so you can change the color by amending your soil appropriately. They can easily be propagated by layering."

@Ispahan added, "This is one of the most over planted and unattractive plants in my area. Attractive specimens do exist, but they are few and far between. It usually looks rangy, weedy and the blooms are of a muddy, washed out color whether pink or blue. I have three established specimens that I am itching to take out and replace with another hydrangea that is more attractive and reliable, such as 'Annabelle' or 'Little Lime'. A truly inferior cultivar!"
Uploaded by Sharon
#5: Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii)

@Bonehead says, "This is an escaped invasive in Washington, and is on the Class B noxious weed list. There are more and more sterile cultivars being offered, which would be a wiser choice where this plant has overstayed its welcome."

@plantladylin added, "Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii) is a deciduous, perennial shrub growing to 6' in height and to 15' wide, with arching branches and clusters of blooms that form a weeping habit when the bush is full. Buddleja is drought tolerant once established and prefers a full to partial sun location. Flowers come in various shades of red, pink, purple and white attracting a wide range of butterflies to the garden."
Uploaded by Calif_Sue
#6: Rhododendrons (Rhododendron)

@Mindy03 says, "Honey bees get nectar from this plant"

@Sharon added, "My rhododendron was planted in 1971 and has been growing well since that time. As it ages, it is beginning to sprawl, but it is still a beautiful plant that doesn't require a lot of attention. It receives morning sun in its location, and dappled sunlight throughout the day. It has been known to rebloom in late fall, but with fewer blooms than in spring. It's about 5 feet tall and probably as wide as 4 feet."
Uploaded by Zencat
#7: Common Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)

@Mindy03 says, "Honey bees get nectar and pollen from this plant."

@Skiekitty added, "Never trim this plant in the fall/winter. If you do, you will not get blooms the following year. Always, if you need to trim, do so right after it blooms in late spring/early summer. This plant blooms ONLY on old-wood, never new growth.

If you're lacking in blooms, make sure that this plant gets a lot of moisture in the winter. Dry climates can prevent lilacs from blooming if they don't get a lot of moisture in the winter. The more snow/water they get in the winter, the more blooms you'll see. If we don't get snow, I always winter water my lilacs just like the trees. My neighbor has a lilac the same age/size and about 5 feet away from my lilac and you can tell that I winter water & they don't.. the blooms on their lilacs are very stingy whereas mine will be covered in blooms."
Uploaded by pixie62560
#8: Rose (Rosa 'Double Delight')

@zuzu says, "The large, full, high-centered blooms of Double Delight have inspired photographers and delighted gardeners for almost 40 years. The rose's popularity is also boosted by its strong spicy fragrance. The habit is not one of its strong points, however. It is more inclined than most roses to display the "bare knees" syndrome and it benefits greatly from companion plantings tall enough to obscure its "knees.""
Uploaded by duane456
#9: Blackcurrant Sage (Salvia x jamensis 'Hot Lips')

@bonitin says, "This is an amazing plant. When I bought it the flowers were bicolor: red and white. The same plant later on produced entirely white flowers, and now the first blooms in late May-June are entirely red. It proved to be very tough too, having gone through a very severe winter with long periods of hard frosts without damage. It is very drought resistant too."
Uploaded by chelle
#10: Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford')

@SongofJoy says, "These trees are subject to breakage and are easily broken or split in very windy conditions. Almost every year a number of mature specimens are lost here."

@eclayne added, "The Bradford Pear was for years a common street tree in Boston's Fort Point Channel district. Generally thought to be low maintenance, its fairly upright habit is particularly well suited to the narrow sidewalks common throughout much of Boston while the root system creates little or no heaving of brick sidewalks. Many side streets, planted exclusively with Bradfords, create a wonderful spring display. Unfortunately over the years the very windy conditions of this harbor-side area have taken a toll and the Bradfords have fallen out of favor."
Uploaded by kniphofia
#11: Rose (Rosa 'Cherry Parfait')

@Calif_Sue says, "Many glowing reports from around the country that this rose is extremely hardy and disease resistant."

@Newyorkrita added, "Striking blooms that vary in deepness of color thoughout the season. I loved my first Cherry Parfait so much I bought a second, so now I have one in my front yard and another in the sideyard rose garden. Like all my roses it does need spraying to keep clean of blackspot."
Uploaded by Paul2032
#12: Rose (Rosa 'Julia Child')

@CindiKS says, "The year before Julia Child was introduced into retail garden centers, I saw a group of 6-8 of them at the Tulsa Rose Gardens. It's a huge test garden, with hundreds of varieties. There's at least 6 of each rose. The group of Julia Childs were all blooming, and totally free of disease. They were the finest group of any roses there, and they couldn't have been more than 2 years old. I was so impressed that I bought 4 for myself as soon as they became available. It does not disappoint. Mine are in with irises with "buttery" or "creamy" names and white or yellow coloring. The combination works, but the most impressive thing is how the roses bloom continually yet get very little water, because I prefer to keep the irises on the dry side.
Julia Child's blooms are more on the creamy side, unlike Sunsprite, which is a clear bright yellow.
I think that is why they blend so well with the softer iris colors."
Uploaded by dave
#13: Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)

@SongofJoy says, "Numerous species of birds feed on the red ripe fruit of Dogwood trees, swallowing the entire berry. The seeds inside the fruit are undamaged and softened in the digestive process. They are then passed in bird droppings to be scattered and "planted" many places. Other animals such as squirrels eat and destroy the seeds from the center of the fruit and leave the surrounding meat of the fruit untouched."
Uploaded by chelle
#14: Rose Of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)

@Sharon says, "This plant is an old one and was started from seed from a plant that grew in the mountains of southeast Kentucky. Here in western Kentucky, zone 6b/7a, I find it to be quite the spreader. It is not native to the US, so when combined with its invasive tendencies, it might not be very popular. But in its defense, it grows and blooms in areas and at times when nothing else will grow or bloom. We have hot dry summers and quite often by September our blooms have ended. This Rose of Sharon is just getting started by then. It will continue to bloom until November.

It will also grow with little to no care in soil that is rocky and sparse. Bumble bees love it."
Uploaded by SongofJoy
#15: Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)

@SongofJoy says, "Russian Sage, the Perennial Plant Association's 1995 Perennial of the Year, is a semi-woody perennial that provides color, fragrance, and texture all summer. Plants grow to 4 feet and are covered with very pungent (when bruised) gray-green leaves. Flowering starts in mid to late summer and persists on into fall. The flowers themselves are small tubular and purple but the effect is of a powdery purple airy haze. Full sun and good drainage are keys to survival. Wet feet during the winter not appreciated. These plants also benefit from a late spring pruning down to several pairs of buds."
Uploaded by dave
#16: American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)

@plantladylin says, "American Beautyberry is an attractive deciduous shrub that attains heights to 6'. Tiny pink flowers appear in spring and early summer, followed by tight clusters of deep purple berries in the fall that are a food source to birds and other wildlife. American Beautyberry prefers a shady location and is very drought tolerant.

One of my neighbors considers this plant a weed and has removed it from her yard, but I love the plant in my backyard. I think the little flowers are quite striking but I really love the look of the berries when they turn the deep purple color in the fall."
Uploaded by OrlandoBill
#17: Japanese Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta)

@Gymgirl says, "Careful when reaching in to harvest seeds from a female plant blossom, as some people can (unknowingly) have an allergic reaction to the blossom. Always wear long sleeves and gloves to avoid an itchy, burning, sensation along your arms. It's very similar to what you experience after laying fiberglass insulation!"
Uploaded by Dutchlady1
#18: Pony Tail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

@SongofJoy says, "Best as a house plant in most zones. Bright light. Water every 7-14 days during the growing season. During the winter, cut back watering to monthly. Prefers temperatures above 60º and dry indoor conditions. Use rich, organic, fast-draining potting soil."

@plantladylin added, "Native to Eastern Mexico, the Pony Tail Palm is not a true palm but more closely related to Yucca. It is a slow growing palm-like succulent that can attain heights to 30 feet when grown outdoors in temperate climates, and it can reach heights of 6 to 8 feet when container grown as a houseplant. The Pony Tail Palm has a single trunk with a swollen caudex that stores water for use during drought conditions. The long strap like arching and drooping leaves give this plant the appearance of a palm tree. Mature plants produce racemes of pretty cream to whitish color blooms that seem to shoot out from the top of the foliage. This plant prefers a sandy well draining soil, is extremely drought tolerant and does well in rock gardens.

The Pony Tail palm is an easy houseplant as long as it's given a lot of sun and isn't over-watered."
Uploaded by goldfinch4
#19: Harry Lauder's Walking Stick (Corylus avellana 'Contorta')

@goldfinch4 says, "My original plant was only about one foot high. It took quite a while for it to put on any size, but now it's beautiful. I live in an area where we get a lot of snow and when the twisting, contorted branches are covered in snow, this is a gorgeous shrub! In the summer, it really isn't a showy plant. The leaves are nothing special and the catkins are insignificant. Mine does sucker, but the suckers are also contorted. It is susceptible to Eastern Filbert Blight."
Uploaded by plantladylin
#20: Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

@jmorth says, "One cool tree. Autumn brings yellow-copper hue to leaves before dropped (1 of only a few conifer trees w/ deciduous habit. Tree is well suited to wet conditions (though conversely, is drought tolerant when established). Fast growth rate (2'/yr, can reach 60' in less than 25 years). Often utilized in landscaping. Native to the US.
When in standing water, often sends up large root projections called knees above surface of earth or water (note pics from Ft Worth)."
Uploaded by virginiarose
#21: Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica)

@SongofJoy says, "Very hardy in my zone but is considered an invasive species here."

@gingin added, "I personally don't care for this plant in spite of the white flowers in spring and red berries in fall. For me it is invasive and very hard to get rid of. Although called Heavenly Bamboo it is actually a member of the barberry family."
Uploaded by hementia
#22: Camellias (Camellia japonica)

@robertduval14 says, "Alabama's state flower."

@Marilyn added, "Taken from wikipedia's page at:

"Camellia japonica is a flowering tree or shrub, usually 4.9–20 feet tall, but occasionally up to 36 feet tall. The youngest branches are purplish-brown, becoming grayish-brown as they age. The alternate leathery leaves are dark green on the top side, paler on the underside, usually 2.0–4.3 inches long by 1.0–2.4 inches wide with a stalk (petiole) about 0.2–0.4 inches long. The base of the leaf is pointed (cuneate), the margins are very finely toothed (serrulate) and the tip somewhat pointed.

In the wild, flowering is between January and March. The flowers appear along the branches, particularly towards the ends, and have very short stems. They occur either alone or in pairs, and are 2.4–3.9 inches across. There are about nine greenish bracteoles and sepals. Flowers of the wild species have six or seven rose or white petals, each 1.2–1.8 inches long by 0.6–1.0 inches wide; the innermost petals are joined at the base for up to a third of their length. (Cultivated forms often have more petals.) The numerous stamens are 1.0–1.4 inches long, the outer whorl being joined at the base for up to 1.0 inches. The three-lobed style is about 1.2 inches long.

The fruit consists of a globe-shaped capsule with three compartments (locules), each with one or two large brown seeds with a diameter of 0.4–0.8 inches. Fruiting occurs in September to October in the wild.

C. japonica leaves are eaten by the caterpillars of some Lepidoptera, such as The Engrailed (Ectropis crepuscularia). The Japanese white eye bird (Zosterops japonica) pollinates Camellia japonica.""
Uploaded by EmmaGrace
#23: Bush Morning Glory (Ipomoea carnea)

@virginiarose says, "Very easy to grow."
Uploaded by Paul2032
#24: Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

@sheryl says, "Native to the Mediterranean. Loves sunshine and warmth, although some cold hardy strains (Arp, to zone 6) have been cultivated. Quite xeric.

One of my favorite plants. If I brush up against it while gardening I can smell the scent for hours on my clothing. One of my favorite herbs to cook with -sprinkle rosemary, garlic and salt on a lightly oiled salmon fillet - heaven!"
Uploaded by Calif_Sue
#25: Lantana (Lantana camara)

@plantladylin says, "Lantana camara is a lovely ornamental shrub that has become naturalized in some areas, especially the Atlantic coastal plains from Georgia to Florida. It colonizes when birds disperse seeds and it spreads quickly. It prefers warmth and humidity, will thrive in shade or full sun, is extremely drought tolerant, and has no known pests or diseases. Lantana grows in a wide variety of areas here in Florida, forests, citrus groves, pastures, and along roadsides. It is listed as a Category 1 invasive in Florida. This plant is toxic to cattle and other grazing livestock."
Uploaded by gingin
#26: Scarlet Rose Mallow (Hibiscus coccineus)

@fiwit says, "It says to propagate seeds indoors, but here in the Atlanta GA area, the gentleman who gave me the seeds from his plant told me to just take them home and plant them where I wanted the plant to grow. I have this plant in several places around my yard, and other than transplanting the original plant here, all the others are from simply popping open a seed pod in the fall and letting the seeds fall where I wanted the plant to grow. I don't even cover the seeds - I just pop and drop."
Uploaded by SongofJoy
#27: Persian Shield (Strobilanthes dyeriana)

@jmorth says, "Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden awarded plant as Top Performer and Containers in 2010.
Used in Victorian times.
Can be overwintered under light and used for cuttings to root & use outside in spring.
Plant has some awesome shimmering foliage."

@plantladylin added, "Posted by plantladylin on Oct 15, 2011 4:46 PM
Native to Southeast Asia, Persian Shield is a fast-growing, soft-stemmed perennial sub-shrub that has iridescent purple leaves with green veins. The reverse side of the leaf is purple. The plant is mainly grown for its lovely foliage, but it does bear small, funnel-shaped, pale violet/purple flowers on short spikes. It requires bright light, but no direct sun, which will burn the foliage. Persian Shield makes a nice single specimen plant and also looks great in mixed container plantings. Pruning will help to keep a compact shape. Persian Shield requires good drainage and is drought tolerant once established."
Uploaded by lisam0313
#28: Yellow Bells (Tecoma stans)

@Dutchlady1 says, "In my region of Southwest Florida this plant can indeed become invasive. However, its cheerful yellow flowers are such a splash of sunshine that it is worth growing anyway. For me this blooms from spring to late fall."

@CarolineScott added, "On researching this plant: It is the national flower of the Bahamas.
The plant has one problem: It attracts bees, but the honey will be contaminated by an alkaloid, which is in the pollen."
Uploaded by jmorth
#29: Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)

@Mindy03 says, "Honey bees get pollen and honeydew from this plant."

@Marilyn added, "This is the state nut of Missouri."
Uploaded by Newyorkrita
#30: Double-Flowering Japanese Kerria (Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora')

@critterologist says, "Kerria is a beautiful, arching, open, airy-looking shrub with wonderful, long lasting spring color. New shoots may pop up a foot or more from the main shrub, making this plant easy to propagate. Dig under the shoot to loosen it and determine which way the root is going, then sever it with a sharp shovel thrust. Potting it up for a season or two lets it develop a good rootball before planting out. My "start" was just stuck directly into the ground, and it sort of hung in there for several years before finally taking off."
Uploaded by Bubbles
#31: Confederate Rose (Hibiscus mutabilis)

@tuffykay56 says, "This is my first blooming season. It is a spectacular shrub! It attracts all manner of bees and the blooms are so large that there are multiple bees collecting pollen in one flower."

@Seedfork added, "This plant is very easy to root from cuttings. I have had no luck starting it from seed."
Uploaded by blue23rose
#32: Weigela (Weigela florida 'Variegata')

@blue23rose says, "This was cut back by half in 2011. Came back beautifully."
Uploaded by chelle
#33: Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)

@threegardeners says, "I make a "tea" with the "fruits" of this Sumac.

Pour boiling water over the red berry clusters. Let sit for 10 minutes then strain (the boiling water kills any bugs/worms).

You can also put the berry clusters in a pitcher, fill with cold water and steep for a few hours like you'd make ice tea.

Very fruity tasting, kind of like a mild cranberry lemonade.
Chock full of vitamin C.

If your Sumac has white berries DO NOT TRY THIS!!"
Uploaded by Calif_Sue
#34: Panicle Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata Limelight™)

@okus says, "This Hydrangea has huge panicles, 8-10 inches long and 6 inches across, on very long stems. They change colour as they mature, starting lime green, then turning true white, and finally displaying a rusty pink tinge as they go over.

It is drought tolerant and grows well in my dry stoney soil. It is also hardier than the 'mop heads.' When they were cut back to ground level by -14C temperatures and deep snow last winter, Limelight retained its structure. It is now, after 3 years, a large bush about 5 feet high and the same across."
Uploaded by Trish
#35: Desert Bird of Paradise (Erythrostemon gilliesii)

@Katie says, "This is a very pretty plant, but it attracts stink bugs. The stink bugs cause the seed pods to prematurely dry."

@Trish added, "Yellow flowers with red stamens.
Low water needs once established.
Nitrogen fixer."
Uploaded by jperilloux
#36: Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)

@Sharon says, "I started this plant from seed. A few years ago I had a huge fully mature Magnolia growing too close to my house and the wet soil from heavy spring rains tilted it to about a 45 degree angle. The tree had to go, but I saved one of the seed pods. I knew nothing about growing Magnolias from seed, but pretended to be a bird and dropped a few of the seeds in some select places in my flower garden. The following spring, I had two seedlings. I gave one of them away and kept this one, but moved it to my back garden. It is now about 12 feet tall and produced its first bloom this year.

Two or three years later, another seedling appeared in one of the places I'd planted those seeds. Now I have another that is about 3 feet tall. Amazing how that happens. Nature's surprises."
Uploaded by Dutchlady1
#37: Pencil Euphorbia (Euphorbia tirucalli)

@SongofJoy says, "Very easy to propagate, but beware if you plant it in the ground. In a favorable climate, E. tirucalli can grow very large and spread quickly. The plant is then prone to breaking and falling apart in the wind and can make a colossal mess in a garden."
Uploaded by Kelli
#38: Shrimp Plant (Justicia brandegeeana)

@plantladylin says, "Justicia brandegeeana (Shrimp Plant) is an evergreen perennial shrub native to Mexico. It prefers a partially shaded location and should be pruned regularly to keep the weak branches from taking on a leggy appearance."

@GardenGuyAZ added, "This is a wonderful plant, and does very well here in the hot deserts of metro-Phoenix, on the north side of my house. It literally starts blooming in the spring and does not stop till the first frost, if we get one. It's in shade all day. In the summer, it gets most of its water from the air conditioning unit, so it doesn't seem to need a ton of extra watering. I can't say enough good things about the Shrimp Plant, Justicia brandegeeana."
Uploaded by Sharon
#39: Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)

@Sharon says, "The red cedar tree has a tremendous history, both legendary as well as medicinal. Our Native American ancestors used teas made from it as various cures for ailments, but the cedar chippings themselves with their aromatic scent were used as well. In Appalachia, a mixture of nuts, leaves, and cedar twigs is often still boiled and inhaled as a treatment for bronchitis.

Sources tell me that cedarwood oil is used in insect repellants, perfumes and soaps. Cedar chips have been used as moth repellants. The oil also shows up in furniture polish. These are some of the same uses that I grew up with in the southern Appalachians. We also used cedar chips as bedding for our dogs.

It was also considered to be a revered tree, holy, because the souls of ancestors resided within the tree. Legend has it that it remains evergreen because of those souls. It's a beautiful tree with an unusual history. Where it grows wild, seedlings sprout nearby in abundance."
Uploaded by Paul2032
#40: Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)

@Bonehead says, "This is not my favorite tree, simply because it looks dead in the winter when I would like more of a lively presence. It's very beautiful when it first greens up, kind of a soft look to it, and is also nice in fall when it turns. Grows fairly quickly."
Uploaded by qwilter
#41: Hardy Hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos 'Luna Pink Swirl')

@SongofJoy says, "Produces a large amount of seeds and is fairly easy to grow from seed. One of the few rose-mallows to bloom the first year from seed. Flowers are 8"-9" in diameter and keep coming all though the season."
Uploaded by mcash70
#42: Japanese Spirea (Spiraea japonica 'Magic Carpet')

@mcash70 says, "Small dense mound-shaped shrub with clusters of deep pink flowers in summer. Red shoots in spring turn into rich red-tipped chartreuse foliage holding its color into fall. Great for the border, foundation or in mass plantings. Remove old flowers to promote continued bloom. In colder climates, dieback is common. Prune to ground level in early spring, treat as a perennial."
Uploaded by okus
#43: English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

@okus says, "In the summer this bushy plant is covered in blossom and each flower stalk has multiple bees and butterflies.

If you love butterflies and honey, then plant English lavender! It is easy to grow, drought tolerant, and not picky about its soils. My soil is very light and stony and retains virtually no moisture, but my lavender is abundant."
Uploaded by wcgypsy
#44: Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight')

@okus says, "When we grew this in Texas, it never reached the size it can in cooler areas, but it did flower twice in the year, in early summer and fall. It does well in poor soils and can take a great deal of neglect.

In the UK it self seeds and comes up in odd places, between paving slabs, for instance. If it does this, remove early, as once the roots get established, it is very difficult to shift.

It can be cut back drastically once flowering is done and will grow back again and flower in the same year. If left to grow to tree size, the stems can become brittle and snap in high winds."
Uploaded by StephGTx
#45: Turk's Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii)

@frostweed says, "Turk's Cap is a very long-lived and care-free plant. It has been reported to live 50 years or longer."

@imabirdnut added, "This is a great plant for understory & full shade! Collect seed & plant in the fall."
Uploaded by jon
  • Uploaded by jon
#46: Hardy Hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos 'Lord Baltimore')

@mattsmom says, "Stunning, huge, dark red blooms on this beauty. Blooms for months here in my zone 4a garden, only stopped by frost. Unfortunately, a choice foodsource of the dreaded Japanese Beetle."

@SongofJoy added, "Modern cultivars began with Robert Darby who named his two most famous successes after Lord and Lady Baltimore. During the 1950's Darby created 'Lord Baltimore' --a solid red hybrid--by crossing several quite common, but at that time largely unknown, wild hibiscus species found in wetlands from Louisiana to New Jersey. Most wildflower enthusiasts have never seen one in the wild."
Uploaded by bonitin
#47: Bog Sage (Salvia uliginosa)

@Marilyn says, ""Salvia uliginosa (bog sage) is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native to southern Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. It was described and named by botanist George Bentham for its typical habitat "of swamps and marshes", or uliginosa.

Salvia uliginosa is an herbaceous perennial growing up to 3 to 6 feet (0.91 to 1.8 m) tall in one season, with multiple thin stems and yellow-green lance-shaped leaves that have serrated edges. The plant quickly spreads on underground runners and is readily divided.

The bright azure-blue flowers are .5 inches (1.3 cm) long with a white beeline in the throat pointing toward the nectar and pollen. They grow in whorls beginning in summer until fall, with many flowers coming into bloom at the same time.

Cyanosalvianin, the blue pigment from the flowers of S. uliginosa, is a metalloanthocyanin, a complex formed of six molecules of the anthocyanin type, six molecules of the flavone type and two magnesium ions.

Salvia uliginosa was introduced into horticulture in 1912, and has become popular in gardens and public landscapes for its azure-blue flowers, ability to grow under various conditions, and its pollinator habitat attributes."

Taken from wikipedia's page at:"
Uploaded by flaflwrgrl
#48: Firecracker Plant (Russelia equisetiformis)

@flaflwrgrl says, "This is a tough plant where drought conditions persist. I warn you though --- it roots where it touches the ground (and especially in mulch). so it's difficult to control. If you pull the babies up when they are small, though, they are easy to pull, and you will find them still attached to the mother plant. In zone 10 it blooms almost on a continual basis, only stopping for brief rests."
Uploaded by gardengus
#49: Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)

@Marilyn says, "When I was growing up in Centerville, OH (a southern suburb of Dayton, OH), my parents planted an American Sycamore on their quarter-acre lot, as well as other types of trees. My dad planted it within a year of building the house and they had the house for 16 years. As the years went by, that tree shaded the whole house in the summer so well that the AC didn't have to be used.

Then, when they moved to Lebanon, OH, and built another house, they already had American Sycamores growing on their 5-acre property.

I always loved seeing those beautiful trees! To this day, whenever I see an American Sycamore, I remember the wonderful trees growing in the Centerville and the Lebanon yards!

DH and I don't have a large enough yard to grow this wonderful tree, but if we did, we'd grow it!

Love the peelings on the bark and the distinctive white bark color underneath the peelings!"
Uploaded by dave
#50: Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)

@eclayne says, "An evergreen shrub, leaf loss or damage may occur as temperatures dip below 50F (10C). Grow as a die back perennial in hardiness zone 9 and possibly 8b."

About Dave Whitinger
Thumb of 2020-03-17/dave/72728eDave is the Executive Director of National Gardening Association.
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