what plant or flower atracks humming birds - Knowledgebase Question

rockmart, Ge
Avatar for deoge60
Question by deoge60
March 26, 2010
I just moved to rockmart GA its closer to cedartown ga I just moved here and humming birds are very beatiful.please tell me what flowers or plants stay year round ,or just for spring and summer,thank you

Answer from NGA
March 26, 2010
Perennial plants I have found to attract hummingbirds are Trumpet Vine (Campsis x tagliabuana, I grow 'Madame Galen'), Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii), Honeysuckle (Lonicera, many varieties), and, I see them sticking their little beaks in my hanging baskets filled with Fuchsias. They seem to be attracted to bright, vibrant colors, especially red. Sweet fragranced flowers are also a draw.

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