Child plants of Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Anon')

115 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Abstract Art') Gigolo X 78-83a: (76-85C: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))) X 76-85D: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))
Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Anagram') Nazette X 79-84B: ((Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))) x ((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Anon Pride') Anon X 82-3A: (Beauty Crown x Homecoming Queen)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Anticipation Rose') 99T14: (Cranberry Delight x Engaging) X 99T53: (95T17: (Cranberry Delight x 87T49: (unknown x Persian Gown)) x 94T62: (91T59: (88T4: (Hawaiian Queen x Designer Gown) x Hawaiian Queen) x 91T29: (87T199: (Laced Cotton x Anon) x Fantasy Lace)))
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Beadwork') Anon X Boaz
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Beyond') 47-0B: (43-8A: (Apricot Blaze x 40-4A) x 23-7A: (30-5B: (35-1 PB1A: (23-4B x Rococo) x April Melody)) X 142-4A: (86-2PF x 2-2 PL))) X Anon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Birthday Surprise') J52B: ((Orange Plush x Anon) x Queen in Calico) X Gigolo
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bonkers') Ghio 94-170R: (New Leaf x 92-159-I2: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan))))) X Brash
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Buenos Aires Revisited') Anon X Taco Belle
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bugaboo') Ghio 94-170R: (New Leaf x 92-159-I2: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan))))) X Brash
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Candy Floss') Nazette X 79-84B: ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)) x (71-12C: (68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x (68-17B: (Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))
Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cedar Point') 77-45: ((Carousel Princess x Tiffy) x Gunga Din) X Anon
Photo courtesy of Bluebird Haven Iris Garden Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Change of Heart') 76-85C: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))) X 76-85D: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Chatter') (Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) X Storyline
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Chuckles') Gigolo X 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Chutney') 82-113ZZ: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) X 83-80: ((79-153K: (Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x 78-220: ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))
Image Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Clockwork') 91-43B: (84-1T: (Nazette x ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x (68-17A x April Melody)) x ((((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x x April Melody) x April Melody))) x Orange Tiger) X Marksman
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Code Blue') 99T14: (Cranberry Delight x Engaging) X 99T53: (95T17: (Cranberry Delight x 87T49: (unknown x Persian Gown)) x 94T62: (91T59: (88T4: (Hawaiian Queen x Designer Gown) x Hawaiian Queen) x 91T29: (87T199: (Laced Cotton x Anon) x Fantasy Lace)))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Columbia the Gem') 22-2R: (Orange Plush x Anon) X (Orange Plush x 14-9A)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Confidante') 88-63A: ((Highland Haze x (Anon x (((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x (68-17A x April Melody))) x (Anon x (((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x (68-17A x April Melody)))) x (Ever After x Lorilee)) X Dawn Sky
Tall bearded iris 'Cupid's Arrow' Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cupid's Arrow') Desert Fox X 82-238-12: (Goddess x (Rancho Rose x 78-224p1: ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Decipher') Storyteller X 87-7K: (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Delightful Woman') 95T17: (Cranberry Delight x 87T49: (unknown x Persian Gown)) X 94T62: (91T59: (88T4: (Designer Gown x Hawaiian Queen) x Hawaiian Queen) x 91T29: (87T199: (Laced Cotton x Anon) x Fantasy Lace))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Desert Fox') Gigolo X 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Don Alvarado') Theatre X Anon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Double Click') Entangled X 94-170P2: (New Leaf x 92-159-I2: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)))))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Double Vision') 92-67-I: (((85-25G: (((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x 85-180: (Indiscreet x Columbia the Gem)) x (Cupid's Arrow x 85-25A: ((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo))) x Epicenter) X 92-159J3: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (85-25pkfancy x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan))))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Early Splendor') F54B: (Orange Plush x Anon) X Beyond
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Entangled') 92-159D3: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (88-11B: ((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x 87-7K: (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)))) X Fancy Woman
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Everywhere') Storyteller X ((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Exclusive Design') Ghio 91-65K: (88-161K: ((82-113AA: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x 81-50V: ((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess)) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)) x Filibuster) X Spirit World
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fairground Attraction') Keppel 89-126: (Light Show x 86-4E: (((Morocco x Broadway) x (Theatre x (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))) x (((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)) x (72-40A: ((((Irma Melrose x Tea Apron) x ((Full Circle x Rococo) x Tea Apron)) x April Melody) x Caramba) x Flamenco)))) X Carnival Ride
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Filibuster') Cupid's Arrow X 85-25A: ((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo)
Image Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fission Chips') 94-10D: (91-43H: (84-1T: (Nazette x 79-84B: ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)) x (71-12C: (68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x (68-17B: (Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))) x Orange Tiger) x 91-14B: (Orange Tiger x Chanted)) X 94-9A: (91-43H x Peach Cooler)
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Flying Circus') 89-126B: (Light Show x 86-4E: (((Morocco x Broadway) x (Theatre x (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))) x (((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)) x (72-40A: ((((Irma Melrose x Tea Apron) x ((Full Circle x Rococo) x Tea Apron)) x April Melody) x Caramba) x Flamenco)))) X Stormy
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Garnet Slippers') 94-10D: (91-43H: ((Nazette x 79-84B: ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)) x (71-12C: (68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x (68-17B: (Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))) x Orange Tiger) x 91-14B: (Orange Tiger x Chanted)) X 92-84A: (Night Game x 89-152A: (((Winemaster x Congratulations) x Faraway Places) x (Faraway Places x Heathen)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Gem of Sierra') Orange Plush X Anon
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Guadalupe') M106A: (Colortart x ((Roundup x Porta Villa) x (Orange Plush x Anon))) X Highland Haze
Border Bearded Iris (Iris 'Harvest Hues') Brown Lasso X Anon
Photo courtesy of Bluebird Haven Iris Garden Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Heathen') 76-15A: (75-2B: (69-42D: ((Frances Kent x Mary Randall) x 60-1830) x (Denver Mint x 60-1830) x 68-59A: (Radiant Light x (((Golden Gleam x Hallmark) x (Gail x Techny Chimes)) x ((Gail x Techny Chimes) x Golden Gene)))) x Anon) X Gigolo
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Hot Chocolate') 87-85H: ((82-113br: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x (Thistle Belle x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x (Chuckles x Broadway)) X 87-21B: ((82-113N x Chickasaw Sue) x Chutney)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Hot Pizzaz') Ain't Nuthin X Anon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Hot Streak') Gigolo X 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))
Image courtesy of Blue J Iris Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Idle Dreams') Pretty in Pink X Anon
In morning sun. Border Bearded Iris (Iris 'Impertinent') Keppel 89-126: (Light Show x 86-4E: (((Morocco x Broadway) x (Theatre x (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))) x (((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)) x (72-40A: ((((Irma Melrose x Tea Apron) x ((Full Circle x Rococo) x Tea Apron)) x April Melody) x Caramba) x Flamenco)))) X Carnival Ride
Indiscreet Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Indiscreet') Gigolo X 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'John E. Voight') Anon X 82-108: (74-8-1 x 74-10)
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Jump Start') 94-10D: (91-43H: ((Nazette x 79-84B: ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)) x (71-12C: (68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x (68-17B: (Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))) x Orange Tiger) x 91-14B: (Orange Tiger x Chanted)) X 92-84A: (Night Game x 89-152A: (((Winemaster x Congratulations) x Faraway Places) x (Faraway Places x Heathen)))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Kiss of Gold') 77-36-16: (Pencil Sketch x Sketch Me) X Anon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Latin Lark') (Capricorn Dancer x Anon) X Queen in Calico
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Lawrence of Arabia') Homecoming Queen X Anon
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Leona Lorraine') Modern Classic X Anon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Leslie Dawn') Anon X Rancho Rose
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Let's Go') 74-72-18: (Pencil Sketch x Sketch Me) X Anon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Lip Service') 94-170K: (New Leaf x 92-159-I2: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan))))) X Entangled
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Lunchtime Lover') Hindu Magic X (Capricorn Dancer x Anon)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Magic Show') Rosarita X 82-40D: ((Santana x Anon) x Rustic Dance)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Mandarin Chocolate') (Anon x (Palisades x Radiant Light)) X New Moon
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Merry Oaks') 77-45: ((Carousel Princess x Tiffy) x Gunga Din) X Anon
Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Miss Ohio') 77-45: ((Carousel Princess x Tiffy) x Gunga Din) X Anon
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Morse Code') 3586A: (Anon x Queen in Calico) X 3386A: ((Odyssey x Petite Posy) x Laced Cotton)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Mysterious Balance') Glitz 'n Glitter X 8767C: (Precious Moments x 85-143C: ((Magic Candle x Anon) x (Starfrost Pink x Spinning Wheel)))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Nectar') Nazette X 79-84B: ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)) x (71-12C: (68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x (68-17B: (Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Netizen') 11-59G: (Arrivederci x 05-78A: (Montmartre x Lip Service)) X 12-106G: (Spendthrift x 06-198A: (00-68D: (91-153A: (Spirit World x Answered Prayers) x Ghio 94-170R: (New Leaf x 92-159-I2: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)))))) x Teenybopper))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'New Leaf') 88-161K: ((82-113AA: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x 81-50V: ((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess)) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)) X Filibuster
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ostentatious') 91-68-tricolor: ((((Chuckles x (Goddess x (Rancho Rose x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x ((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Claudia Rene x Commentary) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo)) x Power Surge) x Chatter) X Epicenter
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Paha Sapa') On the Go X Anon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Palm Reader') Cheating Heart X 91-65K: (88-161K: ((82-113AA: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x 81-50V: ((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess)) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)) x Filibuster)
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Persnickety') 89-126B: (Light Show x 86-4E: (((Morocco x Broadway) x (Theatre x (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))) x (((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)) x (72-40A: ((((Irma Melrose x Tea Apron) x ((Full Circle x Rococo) x Tea Apron)) x April Melody) x Caramba) x Flamenco)))) X 98-25G: (Music x Stormy Circle)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pink Charming') (Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) X Storyline
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Plum Beauty') Anon X Pink Sleigh
Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Poor Butterfly') Nazette X 79-84B: ((Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))) x ((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Power Surge') ((Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x 82-236: (Beyond x (Rancho Rose x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) X (81-50E: (79-153K: (Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x Gigolo)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Prince Charming') Last Call X Anon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Prize Drawing') Anon X Sketch Me
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Provocative Lady') 22-2R: (Orange Plush x Anon) X 25-2A: (Orange Plush x 14-9A)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Puccini') 92-42: (90-45B: (((Tomorrow's Child x (Caption x (Dream Affair x (Artiste x Tupelo Honey)))) x Costa Rica) x ((Tomorrow's Child x 83-73K: (Success Story x (Fancy Tales x Alpine Castle))) x London Lord)) x 88-180P: (Notorious x ((Success Story x (Fancy Tales x Alpine Castle)) x ((Persian Smoke x Entourage) x ((Strawberry Sundae x (Artiste x Tupelo Honey)) x (Marmalade Skies x (Sun King x (Gold Trimmings x Solano)))))))) X 92-75D4: (90-86V2: (((83-80: ((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x 76-11: (Vanity x Anon))) x Gigolo) x (Indiscreet x Columbia the Gem)) x (((Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x (Goddess x (Rancho Rose x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x 76-11)))) x (Indiscreet x 83-80))) x 88-180P)
Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pun') 82-12A: (Gigolo x 79-78A: (((Roundup x (66-56F: (Amigo's Guitar x (Rippling Waters x Gypsy Lullaby)) x Barcelona)) x Osage Buff) x (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))) X Pepper Mill
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Queen in Calico') (Orange Plush x Anon) X (Orange Plush x 14-9A)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Red Lightning') 22-2R: (Orange Plush x Anon) X 25-2A: (Orange Plush x 14-9A)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Return to Sender') 92-67-I: (((85-25G: (((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) X Skipalong
Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Riddle') Nazette X 79-84B: ((Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))) x ((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Right Already') Anon X Taco Belle
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Border Bearded Iris (Iris 'Rinky-Dink') Gigolo X 79-83A: (76-85C: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))) x 76-85D: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Rio de Oro') (Pencil Sketch x Sketch Me) X Anon
Round Table Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Round Table') Gigolo X 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ruby Slippers') 94-10D: (91-43H: ((Nazette x 79-84B: ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)) x (71-12C: (68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x (68-17B: (Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))) x Orange Tiger) x 91-14B: (Orange Tiger x Chanted)) X 92-84A: (Night Game x 89-152A: (((Winemaster x Congratulations) x Faraway Places) x (Faraway Places x Heathen)))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Rustic Dance') 22-2: (Orange Plush x Anon) X 25-2A: (Orange Plush x 14-9A)
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Safari Sunrise') 94-10D: (91-43H: ((Nazette x 79-84B: ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)) x (71-12C: (68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x (68-17B: (Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))) x Orange Tiger) x 91-14B: (Orange Tiger x Chanted)) X Safari Sunset
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sangria') 94-10D: (91-43H: ((Nazette x 79-84B: ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody)) x (71-12C: (68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x (68-17B: (Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)))) x Orange Tiger) x 91-14B: (Orange Tiger x Chanted)) X 92-84A: (Night Game x 89-152A: (((Winemaster x Congratulations) x Faraway Places) x (Faraway Places x Heathen)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sarpan') 3T43-6: (Study in Black x Anon) X 3T43-12: (Study in Black x Anon)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Select Circle') 90-52l2: (Chatter x Power Surge) X 90-65 tall: (((82-113D: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))), x Keppel 80-103A: (Gigolo x Anon)) x (Hot Streak x (((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Power Surge)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Shimmering Veil') Keppel 89-126: (Light Show x 86-4E: (((Morocco x Broadway) x (Theatre x (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))) x (((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)) x (72-40A: ((((Irma Melrose x Tea Apron) x ((Full Circle x Rococo) x Tea Apron)) x April Melody) x Caramba) x Flamenco)))) X Carnival Ride
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Silk Brocade') 88-63A: ((Highland Haze x 79-83D: (76-85C: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))) x 76-85D: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))) x (Ever After x Lorilee)) X Dawn Sky
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Skipalong') 88-161K: ((82-113AA: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x 81-50V: ((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess)) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)) X Filibuster
Image Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Slang') 91-43B: (84-1T: (Nazette x ((Anon x ((((Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x (68-17A x April Melody)) x ((((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x x April Melody) x April Melody))) x Orange Tiger) X Marksman
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Slow Motion') E31D: ((Dream Fantasy x Pink Sleigh) x Heather Blush) X E114C: (Miss Comment x Anon)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sneezy') Light Show X 86-4E: (((Morocco x Broadway) x (Theatre x (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))) x (((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)) x (72-40A: ((((Irma Melrose x Tea Apron) x ((Full Circle x Rococo) x Tea Apron)) x April Melody) x Caramba) x Flamenco)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Somersault') ((82-113D: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))), x Keppel 80-103A: (Gigolo x Anon)) x (Hot Streak x (((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) X Power Surge
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Spanish Serenade') Anon X Flamenco
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Spicy Twist') Anon X Copper Classic
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Spin-Off') E128F: (Magenta Rose x Porta Villa) X E114C: (Miss Comment x Anon)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Stage Lights') New Leaf X 92-159-I2: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan))))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Storyline') 82-113W, Indiscreet sibling, X 82-238: (Goddess x (Rancho Rose x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x 76-11: (Vanity x Anon))))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sun Toasted') Honey Lace X Anon
shade Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sundown Glow') Nevertheless X 12-106E: (Spendthrift x 06-198A: (0068D: (91-153A: (Spirit World x Answered Prayers) x Ghio 94-170R: (New Leaf x 92-159-I2: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)))))) x Teenybopper))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Swedish Sweetheart') Anon X Polished Amber
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sweet Moment') (Anon x (Palisades x Radiant Light)) X New Moon
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Teenybopper') 91-153A: (Spirit World x Answered Prayers) X Ghio 94-170R: (New Leaf x 92-159-I2: (Spirit World x 90-54-I: (((Romanticist x 82-113G: (Gigolo x 80-58J: (((73-31-I: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon))))) x Storyline) x (((((Handiwork x (Gay Parasol x Mystique)) x Goddess) x (Gem of Sierra x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)))) x Gigolo) x (Desert Fox x Shenanigan)))))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Towering Inferno') Magic Candle X Anon
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Vortex') Anon X Boaz
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Vurdalak') 3T43-12: (Study in Black x Anon) X 3T9-3: (Autumn Leaves x Charisma)
Image courtesy of Blue J Iris Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Whirl Around') 79-134: (Anon x Capricious) X 78-124: (Capricious x 75-104B: ((Betty Simon x (Touché x Gala Madrid)) x Porta Villa))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Wild Oats') World News X Anon
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Wildest Dreams') Gigolo X 79-83a: (76-85C: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))) X 76-85D: (Anon x (71-42B: (68-17A: (Montage x April Melody) x Jealous Lover) x 71-41F: (68-17A x April Melody))))

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